Dave Cannon

Dave Cannon

Cannon's Kusko Creations Photography
Photographer (Still)

Aniak, Alaska

Member Since:
April 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Dave

I'm actually a fish biologist, but that wasn't a category accepted above. I've joined Stage32 to find someone to help me write a treatment for a game-changing environmentally-minded movie. I'd written to a very successful screenwriter for help, and here's his response: Thanks for your inquiry and reaching out. Unfortunately, I am not the right person for the job in addition my time is only limited now to my own projects or paid jobs from my producers now. I don’t know anyone who would be interested, but you could try networking on Stage 32.

It’s like fishing - you can cast a line in the Pacific and never catch a fish — or target an area and possibly catch something. Your story sounds ambitious, but you will need someone to work on it who has the time and interest. I do not know anyone who fits that category in my small circle.

Again, thanks for reaching out, and I wish you the best moving forward to find a home for your project.

I do hope I'm successful in finding someone who has the time, but more importantly the interest to save mankind before it's too late.

Unique traits: Been on a quest for over two decades to generate an ecological awareness among the masses...of late, through a full-length feature film. As noted above, I'm a fish biologist trying to get a very different sort of environmental message out to as many people as possible. I have somewhat of a unique perspective on life and mankind's ubiquitous foibles to where my brother says, "And hence Dave, no one sees things like you do...no one!" I call it my fish's perspective. Years ago, I tried writing a book from that perspective, and it was to take a critical and irreverent look at Homo sapiens ("the wise ones"). You can see my blog from that fish's perspective on my web site linked below.





  • University of Wyoming

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