Marion’s mission in life is to help people to achieve the necessary changes to so that each may find more joy and happiness in life. In her thirties Marion had a life changing experience that placed her strongly on the spiritual path. During this experience a massive amount of knowledge and understanding of spirit was made clear to her.
Marion’s spirit guides have taught her a unique form of clearing individuals energy that allows for extreme change to happen very quickly. She became interested in spiritual enlightenment, metaphysics, self-empowerment, self-healing, mentoring and mindfulness and fitness coaching.
Marion has used meditation to heal herself of the many traumatic experiences that were deeply hidden. Continuing to learn more, she moved onto personal development, soul growth, the sub-conscious, other dimensions, spirit possession, the power of love, the effect fear and negativity has on our lives, and ventured into many areas of thought where people fear to tread including the paranormal and metaphysical.
She became a practicing Master Practitioner and Councillor of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Hypnotherapist. She has also studied Massage and Reflexology as well as becoming a psychic/intuitive and energy healer specialising in spirit removal. Web site
Unique traits: psychic, healer,
The Awakening Biography Unconventional, cutting edge, inspired and different. An unbelievable tale of true life trails including suicide, spiritual transformation and a healing work including the clearing of entities and the paranoia.
The Awakening Biography Mother watches in horror, her son lies in a hypnotic trace as an entity roles up and down under the skin on his belly. Marion, mother of three, suicidal and severely depressed is saved from suicide by Devine intervention after bankruptcy and marriage breakup. learns to 'live' again. Taught by spirit guides to do 'extreme' healing work.Later her partner found having gassed himself in the car.
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