Thank you Ms. Eve Bellamy, For Her first great book the Spirit spoken, But, now She's preparing for part 2, and The Spirit has spoken again. So were preparing for Her Second Book release, followed by Her Exclusive Interview. Thanks to D.A.B.'s True Gospel Videography and Photography, my company for the filming and editing.
One of Atlanta's hottest Hip Hop Artist doing it big here, Promoting His new Mix CD.
I just putting together a Bio of my artist , who is one of the best rappers out there sencond to none. His Name is Mr. Malyke Valdez. I'm looking to do more videos for our New CD release.
here is where will'll be spotlighting a Variety of Pastor's who don't mine being tranparent, and tell about there struggles with being upright and Pastoring and how they've over came those obstacles. "Tears of A Clown". Sub title for the show.
malyke Valdez's unique southern favor is defintely second to none! So if your into Music, old shcool classic Rapp today, you better check Him and pick Him up before He's gone. So we won't be saying "I told you so". I did this two yrs ago But, looking to do bigger and better things.
This Video I did was at The Ken Barber Men clothing store, located in the Brickwork area of Atlanta. Mr.Barber just to name a few, is one of many interviews I did when working on the show The Ultimate Spotlight CMV, Hosted by Mr. Patrick Kelly. Look for us on fb. and the magazine I came up with called USM. check it out!
This Gentleman is going to be the next big thing in Atlanta, Believe! Mr.Valdez Class and style is second to none! Looking to do three Films, Will'll update you on that.
Malyke Valdez is one of Decature Ga. finest new and up and coming Rap Artist. Here's just a short video as we'er preparing for Mr.Valdez's Documentary, of a young man who grow up on the streets of Decature in Eastwick Village.