Garrett Francis

Garrett Francis


Seattle, Washington

Member Since:
May 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Garrett

Garrett Francis grew up on a small farm in Michigan, had a great childhood, and earned his B.A. in Creative Writing from Grand Valley State University.

In 2012, he co-founded Squalorly, a digital literary journal of the Midwest and served as its nonfiction editor until 2014. In 2016, Garrett founded Orson’s Publishing in 2016, a micro press with an aim to publish “wise and approachable storytelling.” He served as the press’s sole editor (and designer, and publicist, among other roles) until its closure in 2020, publishing four book-length works by new and emerging authors.

In 2017, Garrett also founded Orson’s Review, a digital literary journal that served as a companion to its parent press, publishing fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry and photography. He served as the sole editor of Orson’s Review as well, and is proud to have helped bring the work of over 70 international contributors to life.

Today, Garrett lives in beautiful Seattle, Washington with his wife, daughter and dog. He works a day job in the field of content design and when he's not working or writing, he tries to be outside as much as he can with his family—camping, hiking, kayaking, and just generally wandering.

To connect with Garrett and to get first-look access to his latest work (thoughtful literary fiction, creative nonfiction, craft essays, commentaries and more), subscribe to his newsletter at .





  • The American Queen

    The American Queen Thriller Drama A deaf teenager navigates an unforgiving post-blackout America on her rise to power.


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