Bianca Collins

Bianca Collins


Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
June 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Bianca

Bianca Collins is a navy veteran, filmmaker, and photography. Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After leaving the service in 2018, she decided to purse her dream of becoming a Director. She graduated from The Los Angeles film School in October 2021 with a BA in Film Production with a focus on Cinematography. Her directing credits include her short films, Grief ( 2021) documentary short film Endless (2020) She said yes ( 2019). She has plans to write her feature film debut, early next year. Living in Los Angels, Bianca is embarking on her journey towards a career in filmmaking.Hoping to tell unique stories that amplify black/minority voices within the entertainment industry.






  • The Los Angeles Film School

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