76 Screenwriter with 75 6wards to date looking to make them into films. Comedy, drama, romance, Sci-FI.; features, shorts.
In high school and junior college, I made several film class projects.
I acted in and/or wrote 3 training films during my career in the aerospace industry.
Lived in England for 7 years in my 20s and traveled all over Europe including finding cousins still living on the family farm on the isle of Oland overlooking the Baltic Sea.
Most recently—in 2020, I lived in Australia for 3 years and traveled all over Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand.
Two of my award-winning short screenplays were written in and set in the remote Outback of Australia where I lived and worked, and where my headshot is from.
One of these screenplays has won 16 awards, and the other 8.
My University Bachelor's degree and partial Masgers background is in astrophysics I utilized this background in my feature screenplay “Dark Matters” which has won 17 screenwriting awards.
I also have UC Berkeley and CSUC film courses. and have taken numerous online screenwriting courses including ScreenwritingU, ISA...
Since 2014 I've written for the 168 Write Of Passage screenwriting contest where participants are given a week (168 hours) to write a 12-page screenplay based on the same theme with Development Executive mentorship.
Since 2016, my screenwriting success has improved exponentially after I was a Semi-Finalist in the 168 Write Of Passage contest for my short screenplay "Aboriginal", written in and about the Australian Outback, a place so remote that it is a 3-hour flight from the nearest city, a place so isolated that there were Indigenous Australians that had never seen Europeans until as late as 1984 when The Pintupi 9 came from out bush after living there 45,000 years. A surreal place that is one of the oldest parts of the Earth's surface that looks more like red planet Mars with its pervasive red hue and numerous ancient, dried-up vertical red sea beds.
In 2017 I was 5th place in the 168 Write Of Passage screenplay contest with the short comedy "Voices".
2021, I co-wrote/co-produced and acted in the 168 film "American "Martyr"
September 2022, I acted in the Erika Toraya feature film “INsight"
August 2023: Associate Produce/Location Manager in 168 short speed film “The Likes Of You” filmed entirely at my house.
In September 2023 my Write Of Passage screenplay “Flatline” was made into a 12-minute film for the 168 film contest and was shown on November 4, 2023 at the 168 film festival at Tilith Studios in Fayetteville, GA . Eric Roberts acted in "Flatline”. “Flatline” was nominated for 10 Awards and won 2 including an Angel Studios invitation for possible funding/development into a feature film or TV series.
March 2024
--168 film “Rock Bottom” shot at my house. I have a small acting role.
--"Making Of Flatline" 7-minute documentary shot at my house
168 speed film “Counted" was filmed at my house. July 20/21 for the 168 film festival in Georgia September 13/14, 2024.
20/21.July 2024: Had my 2017 5th place 12-page Write Of Passage screenplay “Voices" made into a 12-minute film for the 168 film festival in Georgia on September 13/14, 2024. I also had a 7-minute "Making of Flatline' documentary produced.
September 14, 2024: My short film "Voices" wins best film award at the 168 film festival in Fairburn, Georgia
The light shines on in the dark and the darkness has never quenched it..
Unique traits: Viking
Film (short)
by Lock-man Productions/John Lockmer
writer/executive producer/actor An egotistical businessman does cruel imitations of his workmates until one day he can't stop the parody
Nominated for 8 awards: for the September 13/14, 2024 168 film festival in Fairburn, GA
Making Of Flatline
by Lockp-man Productions/John Lockmer
Self/executive producer 7-minute documentary on the making of my 2023 12-minute film "Flatline"
Nominated for 2 awards: for the September 13/14, 2024 168 film festival in Fairburn, GA
Film (short)
by Deborah Franco
Location Manager/Honorary Producer 11-minute film for the 168 September 13/14, 2024 film festival shot at my house.
Nominated for 12 awards:
Rock Bottom
Film (short)
by Lock-man Productions/John Lockmer (Comedy)
Location manager/actor/thanks Nominated for 2 awards: for the September 13/14, 2024 168 film festival in Fairburn, GA
Played "Walter-Get Away Driver"
Shot at my house
Film (short)
by Lock-Man Productions/John Lockmer (Drama)
Screenwriter/Executive Producer A Vietnam Vet is haunted by the woman he left behind...
Nominated for 10 awards/won 2 at the 2023 168 Film Festival in Fayetteville, GA
The Likes Of You
Film (short)
by Lock-Man Productons
Location Manager, Associate Producer, Special Thanks
by Misty Films/Erika Toraya (Drama)
"Participant 2" Pastor I acted in this feature film
American Martyr
by 7thunders Studios / Shaun Kelly
Co-Producer/Co-Writer/Actor 2021 168 Film Fest entry
Twice Is Not Enough
Screenwriter/Producer/Actor/Director James Bond Vs The Six Million Dollar Man and The Mechanic.
Subliminal logline: Daniel Craig Vs Jason Stratham
Legacy subliminal logline: Sean Connery Vs Charles Bronson
High school film class project transferred from film to AVI/PRoRes422 by Legacy Digital in Lake Forest, CA USA in 2013. Produced by me and edited by SlideShow In A Snap in Huntington Beach, CA USA with Final Cut Pro X and Adobe After Effects. and other tools.
2 for short screenplay "True Treasure", a prequel to award winning short film "Flatline"
3 for 2023 short screenplay "Flatline"
6 for 2022 short screenplay "Orange Cove"
3 for 2022 short screenplay "RE-fresh" written for a 168 film
168 Film nominations for "American Martyr" (Co-Producer/Writer, actor): Best Spiritual Integration
168 Film nominations for "American Martyr" (Co-Producer/Writer, actor): Best Supporting Actor
3 for 2020 short screenplay "Trafficking"
8 for 2019 Australian Outback short screenplay "A Match Made In Heaven"
17 for 2017 comedy short screenplay "Voices"
17 for 2016 Australian Outback short screenplay "Aboriginal"
74 additional screenwriting awards. https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm4107406/overview
13 for Sci-Fi feature screenplay "Dark Matters"
2 for Sci Fi feature screenplay "The Last Martian"