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By Alice Manica

GENRE: Romance, Drama

During a 1970s adventure to Europe, a restless backpacker discovers her Italian cousins who teach her the meaning of courage, family heritage, survival and self discovery.


In the 1970s on a backpacking adventure to Europe, a restless American Alma Morelli discovers her cousins in her grandfather's hometown in Northern Italy. As Alma bonds with Gianna, Veronica, Novella and Kara, the young women become lasting friends, sharing their joys and sorrows with each other on their journey through life. Over 40 years, passing into adulthood and through middle age their friendship sustains them. While sharing their culture and testing the limits of their endurance they experience life's hard lessons along the way.

Alma must consider where she fits in and how far she will go to attain the traditional family she assumed she'd always have in dealing with adoption vs infertility. But how does she deal with the persistent pull over the years drawing her back to her Italian roots? Naive Gianna is forced to cope with her cheating husband's affair. Veronica juggles the decision to stay where her heart feel at home or follow her restless husband's unknown destiny. Kara struggles to maintain a stable life for her family as she copes with her daughter's struggle with substance abuse. Novella steps into an unknown world across the globe to find fulfillment in her life. As Alma travels on her own journey of discovery, her cousins teach her the meaning of friendship, family, courage and survival. In the process of understanding her heritage can she ultimately ever find herself?

Chaun Lee

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Jason Mirch

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Jason Mirch

Great stuff Alice! I don't know that you need to end it with a question (as that is more of a tagline than a logline) but the heart of the story is apparent!

Maurice Vaughan

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Tasha Lewis

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