DeAndre Robinson

DeAndre Robinson


Nashville, Tennessee

Member Since:
August 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About DeAndre

Writing for me is the essence of growth. My achievements, shortcomings, failures, and realizations fuel my writing. Every line that hits the page is deconstruction and reconstruction of my experience as a whole person. This stretches from my existence as an African American living in a society not built for my betterment, my ambition as a man who strives to be successful despite, and my life as one of many people who yearn to be loved and respected. This gives me the ability to create concepts that not only entertain but invoke the urge for viewers to empathize with meaningful characters.
I want to bring stories to the industry that show we all share a similar experience. Even being placed in fantastical worlds that the plights we face in our lives are things we all not only experienced but overcome. I also want to show that even in genres where African Americans are majorly not involved, people that look and talk like me can bring stories and franchises others will enjoy for generations.


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