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By David Ramey Gordon

GENRE: Family, Experimental

A Spanish Hollywood Producer and Studio Owner Decides to Retire and Hand down His Fortune in a New Creative Way.. Opening New Beautiful Businesses that are controlled by a employment company, instead of the family expected to make it work.   The Grandpa not only passing His ideas down to the kids, but also enlisting random people via choosing them with internet searches and from the phone book, based on sometimes funny similar names to theirs.   Evolving into a bunch of relationships between them creating a wedding scheduling conflict.


A Spanish Hollywood Producer and Studio Owner Decides to Hand down His inheritance. What the Family they thought would be the older Studio's sale money divided up, instead becomes so much more. Upon your signature, a employment agency company will be hiring a Ceo and all the employees.. then sticking to the business plan they were given..

His main thing is He has created is a vr and money making marketplace website, that Each Business will be in. "the site" He needs new products for the site, His reason for deciding to create all the' business is its things they need.. and could make alot on. Its alot nicer as their inheritance. He isnt requiring them to control anything.. He is starting each business they now own, at a employment company, that takes really all aspects of His idea, and makes it. Its not anything they can even control. Its like being told you own something now, and now a camera crew is going following you, so Grandpa can make a movie about it later. There will be more business inheritances starting on dates prior to the holiday season, to get a jump on the holidays. Each a seasonal business. So you each have money for the holidays.

Some of the children could not want this.. reality follow, and are willing to trade anyone, but cant. Its just some new products that He and Grandma came up with to put on the website. He has a camera crew come out, when He announces the inheritance. He has decided each new Owner, needs to create their first commercial for their favorite of their own new group of businesses. They can each also trade their least wanted thing between each other.

Then at the end of finding out they each are receiving a new business as their inheritance, there is a twist. Grandpa is making of joke of it, and has invited over 20+ more people that he is also gifting things too. He contacted a bunch of other people in the phone book, and web-searching, by their names, Each showing up, and gets a story about how they are the inheritance owner of this new business or two.

Each person selected by Grandpa, was chosen based on their names. They all have a name like theirs. Miguel .. and He contacted all the Michaels.. Hales.. Mickeys.. an assortment of names, first and last that are similar.. all colors. Male and Female.. there is Michelle.. and Mikey.. And they show up a hour after the Miguel family has found out.

The family is instructed what to do.. the trust is in them, to not give away Grandpa and Grandma are not dead. As the joke they are playing on strangers. They will be watching only on camera. Put on your sad faces.

In the group, someone they didnt think was family, turns out to be family, and they ask if Grandpa Died.. they can then recognize Grandpa later when He sees Him, and then is surprised He's alive.. and Wow.. its alot. Your alive. Wow. Well, Dont tell anyone..


GRANDPA: Retired Hollywood Producer.. As it Progresses, He starts Over Spending and Lining up New Projects where the Kids have to accommodate, and even when they say no. He has a person already.. so it still gets made.

GRANDMA: Likes to cook Lasagna, Loves Cooking Big Meals.. Grandma in the Family is Very Religious, She bases everything on the BIBLE Aspect.. So they dont EAT PORK, or SHELLFISH, and limit their starch intake since Jesus says remember me with unleavened bread. Deuteronomy 14, Leviticus 11, Isiah 65-70 twice. She Says.. A True Catholic that has read the Bible, would not eat Pork. What is wrong with these people these days is they cant read. She doesnt let Grandpa have Morning Waffles cause they spike His starch intake.. She Goes to Day Bingo, spends some weekends gambling, often found Shopping, and coming up with products she wants to buy a person. . She has a music background and made all her children learn a instrument.

GRANDMAS SISTER: Is Gifted similar to what Grandma would be Gifted as a thing, and is often along with Grandma, is often holding what Grandpa made for Grandma to enjoy.

Eldest DAUGHTER: Works are Walmart, Married, no Kids. Freezes Eggs. writes. On Her Gifted list, is a construction and design company, that is expected to build houses and business buildings for the family. Grandpa wants to see her own designed home, finally built. She wanted to go into designing houses and business for pets.. as a kid, and never made it to the big time. Grandpa doesnt understand that was a childhood dream, and She grew out of it, but he now wants her to help the business as the CEO and lead designer, and tv commercial face of the company. its all paid for, and the employees positions filled.. They are Creating products that could be sold in a store, but are for their website. Products to custom out a house for different pets. Like pass through designs for dogs to access the yard that is safe in a dangerous neighborhood. Paths for the Cat to take around the house like doorway with its tunnels up high.. and custom tracks to walk on.

She Gains Weight from the Stress. Decides to step down as the ceo, and takes a break, and gets pregnant. Needing to Hire a CEO, and take a vacation, She Starts a Music and TV production Studio. Her New Dream Job.

She might pitch the idea of taking over the company, as the new CEO, to a different family member, and realizes that its not for them. "nevermind, Its not a good fit, I goofed to say this" too this person. That person might Break something when mad.

OLDER DAUGHTERS HUSBAND: Severe OCD computer geek. Very Organized and Wife is just like him.. and they are Head over Heels Over each other, there could have been a attraction as a teen that started based on her unorganized family and him coming over alot... He might get out of sorts when telling a story. Is Gift a website and ap design company that all the family is expected to use, to create their computer needs.

Grandpa an Grandma created a bunch of ap ideas .. that the youngest son might also have came up with. . that they tried to spin his ideas, as theirs, and when He has to explain the whole thing out, we see who has been helping them come up with ideas.

YOUNGER DAUGHTER: .. had 2 kids while married, 1 out of marriage after divorce with same father.. proud to have 1 father to 3 kids. Divorced. She Lies a ton. Changes Stories to make them Fit what She wants. Is the gifted A company of Hiring wedding dancers for your wedding, as a business.

She use to work the Dinner Theater in High School. Rather than let them Change Her Mind, She joins the Dance Troupe.

She then is gifted a wedding clothing dancing line.. made for dance. dresses and suits. Her own Dance Shoes.. Her own Dance Heels.. even spanx and knee braces that Hide inside special design dresses and suits, if needed. As Well as microphone hidden packs.. etc. Providing everything for a fantastic wedding. She goes back to school, like a normal person to learn how to run the business. Even takes a training course on how to make a better shoe, She wants to make the top Pro Dance Shoe, made for balance and turns, and could go into examining the current shoes, breaking down each part of the known good dance lines, as where to start, and what could be improved by her designers. She wants shoes that bends down, when you stand flat footed, but is a "on your toes" design, flexing to be flat footed. Where that then leads to a pro cleat, to also sell and promote. Are they faster? She could also test those spring insoles in them.. and gel built into the shoe instead of air is a better impact limiting device on a expanding case around it. Also creates a reoccurring payment layout/membership.

-Gifted a Children's Book. He creates some that you can see were grandmas idea too.. He also passes off ideas He creates as grandma. He creates new toys and new concepts that little kids could couple with. Things like.. a Book is written via paid the writer and illustrator to make the book.. A One Word book, named "Bark." Designed as a Bounce your kiddo on the knee and bark like a doofus dog chasing things around the page, and telling a bs story to the kid. But told to make it better than that, and it needs to a kid to be able to follow it. B b b b bb b b bark! Bark Bark Bark.. !! chases the birds at the park.. squirrels in the back yard..

YOUNGER DAUGHTERS EX HUSBAND: Has kids with Her, He has a minimum wage job.. He didnt screw up, She Broke Up with Him.

Gifted A Questionable Restaurant Chain they expect to Fail. Boneless Fried Chicken, Gourmet Mac and Cheese, and Pizza.. and He is super Confident He can make it work.. Something like.. Grandma saw how much the kids only want that. Grandpa lined it up. He comes up with His own Layout and Gimmicks for the Store. Like a robot dinner making table that then transfers product to the terminal that then sends it out to the customers via a radio controlled vehicle. A building with a Custom central computer that tracks your drink levels and everything is digital Waiters. Leading in the show, to issues a owner would have, when nobody is there working that is human.

He could market that it says on the door.. "Tipless Dining. These Waiters dont use tips for anything.. they dont grasp the concept of money at all."

His family could ask him to remove that first part.. Also uses a Drivethru Ap, Table Ap, and table screen Ordering.

Gifted A Hamburger/Taco/Burrito/Gyro/Pizza Truck that Automated Makes the Delivery Product While In Route.

Younger Daughters Son: Is gifted a prototyping/ plastic printing design company. That is asked to market how they only use non-cancerous plastics and non-cancerous rubbers in designs.

Gifted a Computer Making Company. .kinda a old school style, along with a website idea for Dad to make, that is a public can design and then print their own stick on tattoos, and tattoo outline stick ons.. with Grandma noted they should make 3D tattoos, with wild designs, and Uv paint that lights up all good in a blacklight.. with it having a profile to create a market for your tattoo parlor and each tattoo artist, as well as a employment resource system, to change jobs easily and carry your work to a new place... all in the website. Creating a social media site for tattoos.

YOUNGER DAUGHTERS EX HUSBANDS NEW WIFE. Hair Dresser. Gifted Beauty Salon.. Hair and Shampoo Line without Butadiene and any KNOWN Toxic Products. As part of it.. Where then this product is expected to be the line the whole family uses in their hair. ? Other Ideas Gifted: Pull String Sweat pants that convert to shorts, pulling the string. That Fail in design stage. Creates a Beach Poncho that you wear out from the beach, but can be laid out to sit on the beach while there. Gifted a Wash Out Hair Glue Company.

Eldest and Middle Son, clear the furniture when they start arguing, and then wrestle around the room. They have both Worked for Dad at the studio building sets, for the majority of the time, till He quit and then they are between jobs up until. Recently. Now they both took jobs somewhere else, and need to quit their jobs to be able to take on the ideas Dad has come up with for them. Both Believe in Santa Still, while youngest son finds that obserd.

Eldest Son: Is Gifted a Book / Screen Writing Website/ Marketplace. Where She can put an idea, lock where the project goes when done, and the writers come up with the rest, and the material is uploaded to the Studio you choose.

Is gifted a Phone Making Company. with the first product asked to be wireless earbuds that charge and store in the phone that can charge its battery via shaking. He is in charge of new ideas and coming up with commercials for the product.

Is gifted a Potato Chip and different vegetable chip, Company. A Business making a interlocking like chip, that can be used similar to a block or waffle block, that each bag comes with different shape chips, and different flavors come with different instructions on things you can build with this bag of chips.

Middle Son: Has already Started their Own Beer company with the eldest son and grandpa.. Grandpa Requests they start an Agave Farm for Tequila... with it on a gift card to buy the land with. He Is gifted a company that makes Air Chairs and couches that are Leather on the outside, and can adjust with controls and ap.. Customize the feel via changing the pressures of multiple envelopes, heated, and cooled. Their other product a full size bed frame, that rocks like a footstool glider, with full controls that one control, lets you adjust the arch the bed makes when moving; concave, flat, and domed on one control. Strength of the push it gives and its timing on the second. Along with Intensity and timing of intensity on a third control.

Youngest Son: Wants to Be a Actor. Will answer the phone in the middle of the scene and start talking like he's part of the film, and it goes well, and each time, the director is pissed. Does things like answers phone just after the big explosion scene and perpetual bad timing on things like answering calls.. then has nothing to even talk about. The Eldest and Middle kids had a more adventurous childhood, This child was more a computer and tv based upbringing. Is a cowboy.. He is the Second to last kid.. and was a child when the others were in their 20's.. He is a Website adult filmstar?/ freelance creative web programmer/ Drummer, and Magician. Still lives at home with Grandpa and Grandma.. has a severe pick pocket problem as well as clepto issues.

Their Live in Son Might Start an Illegal Weed Growing Operation, as well. Unknown to them, Hidden in the YARD. INTO Grandpa Finding It, and Making Him Start a CBD & Thc line of non butadiene Chewing Gum. A line of ADHD Gum. a Line of ADHD Soda. A ADHD non Alcoholic Beer. AND is gifted Oxygenated Sports Drinks, and Oxygenated Soda.

Grandpa wants a Website to Create and buy custom designed as well as Simple Bird, Bat, and Bee Houses. Grandpa wants a basic designed idea to choose from, then it cuts the design from wood stock, and sends it. The Youngest Son desires to makes the website idea, and makes it himself. He talks to His brother-in-law, and is explained what He thinks would make the best website design. Then He makes that, and redesigns a finished product, after having the basic idea finished. He comes to buying a laser cutter, and programming the website where you can make and 3d test with timing sunlight and angles the sun will be at on different days of the year incorporated. Where then He designs each to have a Uv color custom camera installed..

Create a wild custom house, sell it in the marketplace so anyone can order one. Without any inventory, everything made at purchase. Each cut with a laser cutter, that is stinking up the neighborhood. . when based from His room.

He is also Gifted a Cowboy and Cowgirl Belt Buckles Company. Along with a Costume Cabinet Knobs Company. And a Dope Car Wrap company to wrap family cars with their own companies logos.


-Gifted a Furniture Making Company.. making Tantra, Home, and Office Furniture with connected but separate Websites.

-Gifted a National Chain, Sponsors Paying for, Homeless Community Hotel.

-Gifted a Product Testing Lab.. and creates a online tv show for the lab. Where they Hire Testers to destroy products and verify Ingredients. . Then Creating a Online Guide To Purchasing each thing.. Based on Data.

-Gifted a Tube Frame Luxury Car Building Company, that can also make Automated shipping truck line with door to door delivery robots, trash trucks, Automated Buses, and Automated Road to Rail Metro Vehicles. A vehicle built with Computerized Tubing Benders and Welders.. everything needing Developed to Open First.. Then also into Automated Boats, and Automated Light Planes. And into a robot trash sorter vehicle that the Youngest Son Develops working with them. Each Product a ALL Tube Frame Structure and Water to Hydrogen Fuel injection, or Self Charging Electrics. Each Self Charging, with a alternator on the same shaft as the drive. Often making the vehicle not have to plug in again.

ALL built around a Hydrogen Bladder, having a bulletproof reinforced bladder, to Reduce the Weight. Something where the Concept is to use hydrogen to reduce the sprung weight. A solid cheat. Grandpa wants someone to develop flying cars, and sees this as the start. It could fail, A stranger can get hurt, and grandpa isnt as sad, is why its not in the gifts to his own kids.

-Gifted a independent solar panel that you mount outside, that charges a pair of car batteries, that power a Hydrogen Torch, that runs a Outdoor Indoor Grille/Range.

-Gifted a line of Football Helmet Gel Pads and Inner Gel Hat Line for anti-concussion products to the public for football lacrosse hockey and racing.. as well as Deciding to promote the "Hitt-sheild Brand" Hat Line inside His Brand Helmet Line with Gel Inner Pads. -Gifted a Work Out Ap, including in the ap a way to Connect to made by them, Free Weights, with your phone and it give you a measure of where in each rep you are, and recording your cycles, as well as data from each workout machine that connects to the ap. Then Adding gaming, to allow weight lifters to compete with each other in a lifting right now.. room. Games like Rowing.. stair climbing racing.. flying with a elliptical.. treadmill sprint racing. -Gifted the idea of using Diamonds in the Braces for Teeth. -Gifted a joke product, that takes off, then is such a problem, its shut down.. a Digital Fictional Doctor Ap, where its make believe answers. and people dont find it funny, when needing instructions.


Eldest Daughter is in a movie scene, where She has just run down the hall being pushed out the bedroom door.. .. and is chased by a jerk yelling.. to Her fumbling around, and opens the door to these LARGE Men in Moving Company Outfits.. She runs out, and hides behind the moving company workers .. that then draw their guns..

Scene Ends.. Award Show Next Scene.. instead of presenting the category.. It cuts to 4 squares of actors.. sitting staring at the camera and then it focuses onto Her, Announcing the Winner of the Category.. She comes up to the podium and delivers a speech..

"Fist Of Courage.. Can you believe We Just Won this.. Holy Cow.. I wanna Thank ALL of You. All Of You.! What A Thrill.. I decided to take on this project 2 years ago.. when I read the story is about a Man who creates a fictional company built for Aiding Battered Women Leave their Situation using Security Guard and Bad Ass Bouncers as Moving Company Employees.... Whoo.. Who Knew this would go this far. ?? (the Music Starts.. ) oh My.. they are already bringing the broom.. I just wanna Say Thank You So Much for your Love.. I absolutely Love you All. I'll be at the Bar. Whoo!! " She Leaves the Stage .. to the back stage bar, where Each cast member congratulates Her.. and in the background, you can see other awards being presented.. She Leaves the building Via taking the elevator to the Helicopter on the Roof.. And Scene Ends.. helicopter Over Hollywood Sign.

After Hollywood Sign Fly Over Leaving the Award Show.. the Family has been called in too meet.

The Grandpa calls everyone in and has them sign the inheritance lawyer packet, infront of Him, without alot of talk about what all is there, there is alot to sign.. And is talking about something else while they are signing things.

Then as He collects the packets, He answers the lawyers question as they walk in.. and then hands the packets too the lawyer, and then they leave in a vehicle.

Then He hands each family member a digital tablet.. upon signing the packet.. now each a owner of a new business.

They are surprised.. He then explains how everyone has boring upon death stories of how they got their inheritance, THIS, is nothing you just signed up for. Way to really read it kids.

Each of you signed up for a inheritance that The concept being, I have paid a employment agency to open each of you a group of businesses, that you now are minority partners with me in, and upon my death, you become the sole owner.

Each Business Idea is paid for already and will be operating without your input or ability to change what its plan is. I will be creating a tv show with the footage you provide for your inherited business. Its your choice what the Reality camera sees. You are all now a group of new business's owners. In addition. I invited 20 people with similar names to ours, that dont know I'm not dead.. to show up in 1 hour after signing.. do not give away the joke.

-David Ramey Gordon, Copyright 12.28.21

S Triangle Talent Agency

Nathaniel Baker

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