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By David Ramey Gordon

GENRE: Sports, Comedy

======Basketball Invented Story======
This Needs someone that wants to write the script. The concept was used without credit, in a Ruffles commercial that ran nationally.

The Inventor of basketball, was a Canadian, (Thats the ACTUAL BALL!) that moved to Kansas, started the Sport, was the ONLY losing Coach in Kansas History, but started the Whole Planet Playing Basketball. So You could do Really Really Great Speeches to the players before the Game.. and always talk about Passion for sports and the health of athletics.. What would His Love of the Game, look like? PLUS.. "We need to keep losing.  Were not gonna be around next year if you beat them!! "

It could have early convincing that its gonna be a sport.. to His Neighbor..  What if your neighbor was outside. .. making up a sport, after sewing up a basketball.. like above.. and you can see its not well organized.  And They are like.. Everyones Gonna be playing this .. Check it out.  What would you have told James?   

Baseball was started in 1839, in Cooperstown, and Football came after a soccer game using rugby rules. Soccer is much older.  Yet is it not soccer, with hands and new hoop??  

After He comes to the idea.. He could make His Class help come up with rules, and have them Play Ball.. starting with it much less thought out.   After you have a peach basket up.. and people are wanting to see why.. It would turn into potential thoughts of.. this could become a sport.  Into everyone's talking. 

The next school over.. has students hear about it.. and they come over.. now.. lets put together a game between the schools. ?? It needs convincing crowds of students around campus to come down to the field house, try it out.. as well as His players might sub people out of the stands in the early games.. maybe someone that talks trash about the untalented.  Could start a fight.. into "You think you can do it better, Come down here." 

It could have trying to decide how far away a "free throw" is.. and why its named that? I know the fruit basket had to have a person climb to he top of the pole and get the ball out.. cutting out the bottom must of been about the greatest part of the idea. Where did the Peach Basket Come From??  Whos is it?  Maybe it wasnt easy to find? I would think the person that cut out the bottom, felt very smart.

They would climb the pole after each basket.   It says the game started with a lower height, so the basket was easy to get the ball out of.   It says before the basket was raised, the games were alot rougher.   Then a backboard.. Oh man.. now were talkin.  When that came up.  That changed the game.  Apparently He was into playing games like putting a rock on a other rock, on opposing sides of a lot, and putting together a team.. ? Then he found throwing lobs worked better than a baseball like pitch, to knock the rock off. .   He could come to that basketball form.. and it could become hes doing a fadeaways with different things, all around the house.. (Gotta say Kobe one time) Maybe reads about steak preparation in Japan, around this stage?  Whats for Dinner?  Kobe .. Beef?

If You invented a game, you might question if winning even matters. You would be telling your team to Do their best.  But when they start winning.. you might tell them to tone it down. . geeze.   Look at this guy.  You're doing really good, these guys wont wanna play again next year.. tone it down.. pass it accidentally to them.  ? He could be going up to the other teams players.. and asking Do You guys Like playing?  Cool... anything we should Change???

How was 5 players decided, and why?  Maybe they have 11 players, and tried 6 on 5 first.. and because it was lopsided, they decided on 5?

Who deciding on calling it 'Dribbling" ? ? Kids take the ball and run around the first time you give them a ball.. an adult might do it same style, would be funny.

Who was the first player to "travel" around the court with the ball.. I would think they had to stop someone.. and be like. "Its been decided that you have to bounce the ball the whole time, and if you stop, you have to pass or shoot." 

The first "Pick" likely lead to the first "Fight".  Each Rule, would have a back story, and anything that became a later rule, could have a funny issue.  I would think early after deciding on how to start a game.. they could use a "jump ball", to settle any disputes. "The first game of "Basket Ball" was played in December 1891.In his attempt to think up a new game, Naismith was guided by three main thoughts. Firstly, he analyzed the most popular games of those times (rugby, lacrosse, soccer, football, hockey, and baseball); Naismith noticed the hazards of a ball and concluded that the big, soft soccer ball was safest. Secondly, he saw that most physical contact occurred while running with the ball, dribbling or hitting it, so he decided that passing was the only legal option. Finally, Naismith further reduced body contact by making the goal unguardable, namely placing it high above the player's heads. To score goals, he forced the players to throw a soft, lobbing shot that had proven effective in his old favorite game duck on a rock. Naismith christened this new game "Basket Ball" and put his thoughts together in 13 basic rules."

David Ramey Gordon ©Copyright 2.4.2020


The Inventor of basketball, was a Canadian, (Thats the ACTUAL BALL!)

that moved to Kansas, started the Sport, was the ONLY losing Coach in

Kansas History, but started the Whole Planet Playing Basketball. So You

could do Really Really Great Speeches to the players before the Game..

and always talk about Passion for sports and the health of athletics..

What would His Love of the Game, look like? PLUS.. "We need to keep

losing. Were not gonna be around next year if you beat them!! "

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