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By David Ramey Gordon

GENRE: Fantasy, Comedy

== Million Dollar Note ==

The Million Dollar Note, movie idea spun opposite of the Book, Million Pound Note.  Did you ever read the old story..  . Where a person gets a million pound bank note from a investor, and they live their lives with nobody able to make change for them, so they get stuff free. OK. . so same layout story, in modern times, would be the people would call the bank, and make change. But then She has to wait.. and then the money gets there.. then she has to take the money back to her bank, and needs Another, "New Million Dollar Note." So the open would have to be the treasury comes up with the million dollar bill.. then they might even have 100k bills. But nobody can make change.. till they call the bank. THEN.. places like bars, where people try and use it on small purchases, like shots, takes the bills and pins them on the wall.. like. not EVEN ACCEPTED HERE. DONT TRY. And people are like . Thats a Real Note. ? Where as, the idea is the main character, and Her Best Friend.  Are just two of the many people, that we see, that manages to get the bill banned everywhere. The Movie more about the Story about why it was banned. Where the plot needs to go from the novelty of the notes, and How they are First To Try it as a Scam..  to the problem.. where everyone AFTER Them Does it Wrong, or the Person Just Before Them..  did i poorly.. and tried Differently..  where sometimes we see wins, but i think alot of mess ups is way more funny.   It could be all kinds of free things they get using their looks that they blame the note on..  each of those, u know the audience  would think, " They would have been getting that already??.."   Into She then has to find avenues that the persons will not call the bank, no matter.. people in the underground, and maybe even dark internet stuff you make up.. There could be a trade show that she hits up and gets bags of cheap products given for the look they each went with, that the bill is just worth saying it was that..   And they just give it too her. So they might be a bit ratchet. I would think, more the better? It would be the Flirting with all that goes wrong, while seeing little wins here and there that make you laugh. But Each thing She Does Get, She Always Posts to Online.. maybe also records people that say no, and as joke, always posts like they are shocked. She could have that problem of talking with abbreviation and lots of urban slang, in her posts. So its funy and kinda cutting where often people dont understand whatit reads.. and people could ask the character what that means.. she answers that.. and they are like. what?? It says. and describes how the post reads. like connecting different abbreviation to make words would be fun. She could also get in too deep. Also it could have a overtone of she doesnt know shes super pretty. Shes overly hard about her own image.  She sees her beauty as makeup.. and skin deep, and meets some kind hearted person that sees it differently? I also have this sexting movie plot.. That I'll attach, you could intermix. Again. This is all i have. So it needs a editor. You will have to find the story. Its like a 20 page read. Its a mark twain. There is also a 70's movie about it.. its also similar to brewsters millions.

David Ramey Gordon © Copyright 3.5.2021

S Triangle Talent Agency LLC


A comedy based on new money is released that nobody can cash, and people then really try and find ways to take advantage of a odd situation. Leading most things purchased being comped by the seller, or they going thru the trouble of getting change.. often it leading to a free six pack.

Nathaniel Baker

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