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By David Ramey Gordon

GENRE: Comedy

The Premise is some friends Fake the trip to Mars with fake footage, and become a fake Foreign Space Agency on Mars. .. who in secret, supposedly sent them 3 years ago.. introducing them. While the public thinks its all real.. its from their basement, then they rent a second location with a fake id, out in the desert, off the highway.

During the mission they take to faking full scale events on Mars.. more than just things landing from their team and other countries landing, but things that scare some people.. like a volcano eruption.. a ice storm. a wind storm.. a baby. As well as problems relaying messages with base command. ALL problems they pretend arent something they thought up.

They might even have real intelligent discoveries when playing around that they capture on film. Things they just happen to catch in nature. . like a haphazard lizard, could blow their minds.

To make their base is to take a bunch of containers and decorate and arranged them for camera, put screens on the outside to look like windows that look in, and frame out the entire outside with a new look... Where it looks like they created a large base.. where the camera is in a courtyard, and in the distance is a green wall.. maybe of other containers .. They maybe even use a color lens, to be able to paint everything different colors to disguise it, so when you walk up too it. It doesnt look like it. A bunch of green painted things, that become something else in the green screen program.

The Big Thing.. is they can walk around in their space suits and not be seen from the road.. When they are seen.. its far enough into the story, that can say they are testing out their Halloween Costumes of the Mars Landing.


"Mission To Mars."

Its a Movie about Faking the Mars Mission.

The character list is character 1 character 2.. media rep at base command, grand ma/ or ones mom, and girlfriend. Then a child they have "on mars" .

The Premise is some friends Fake the trip to mars with fake footage, and become a fake Foreign Space Agency .. who in secret, supposedly sent them 3 years ago.. and is now there, is what they tell the public, introducing them. While the public thinks its all real.. its from their basement, then a second location out in the desert off the highway.

During the mission they take to faking full scale events on Mars.. more than just things landing from their team and other countries landing, but things that scare some people.. like a volcano eruption.. a ice storm. a wind storm.. a baby. As well as problems relaying messages with base command. ALL problems they pretend arent something they thought up.

They might even have real intelligent discoveries when playing around that they capture on film. Things they just happen to catch in nature. . like a haphazard lizard, could blow their minds.

To make their base is to take a bunch of containers and decorate and arranged them for camera, put screens on the outside to look like windows that look in, and frame out the entire outside with a new look... Where it looks like they created a large base.. where the camera is in a courtyard, and in the distance is a green wall.. maybe of other containers .. They maybe even use a color lens, to be able to paint everything different colors to disguise it, so when you walk up too it. It doesnt look like it. A bunch of green painted things, that become something else in the green screen program.

The Big Thing.. is they can walk around in their space suits and not be seen from the road.. When they are seen.. they are testing out their Halloween Costumes from the Mars landing.

They could lose everything in a storm.. "That when the feed comes back on.. its in their basement again.. and they arranged everything to look like a big storm.. when it was the landlord checks up on the desert property and finds their greenhouse has weed and calls the police.. but they dont get caught, adding a element of running from , or staying a step ahead of the police.

My thought would be .. ends in.. where when you think its all over. Our media rep says thats BS. and what is happening, is our make believe fictional country isnt wanted to be called the first to make it to Mars. Even though we arent a real country we still got there first. . and the Public believe us.

I could see Mars grown weed, funding future missions... so when they are selling Mars weed.. they could be selling what is growing in their earth based place. online? Unknown at all to the feds.. till the land owner would call the cops when seeing all the operation and not seeing the garden and the other aspects.. just the weed end of the building first. That then leaves me thinking they are busted. Leaving it.. or sneaking in to take out things they still need the cops didnt take.. then starting over.

They think when driving up to film, the cops are there, the show is over.. where NASA figured it out.. But its the drugs are busted, not their base, its unknown at first thats all that happened, so all could have a meltdown . ?

It could go a bunch of different ways. Like the other countries sending people to hang out, and cant find them. The premise is, it keeps going instead of busted, till the very end of the movie

You could cast as many people as you want.. as their friends find out, they all want in, and a mission shows up dropping them off.. then they start all in the show.. and drop out, while without explanation sometimes and the audience doesnt notice? When being in the basement.. there could be a party, and someone walks down and around the set.. in the basement of Mars floor, and green paint walls.. and then leaves.. and it was on the live feed from Mars, and its not talked about cause it was real late at night. (could happen)

It could turn into they build real shelters and people move into the community? I would think they need the first busted to restart. Where after it seems its gonna work out.. all falls in.

Unexpectedly from something else... then the public's reception is weird about it, they believed the spokesperson all the way... now that is turned out to be a lie. So it could end, they turn it into a tourist spot, Come spend the night.. On Mars.


OPEN: This could open, Main 1 wants too start a contest, or Try out for the contest, that selects them to Go to Mars, and Main 2 is Down, but Keeps Saying.. Its Really Cold. Why? . Could We Not? Just Me and You.. That Whole Time?? You Really Want That? Really, Why?

Main 1 answers.. "Fame Based." Main 2 is like.. before we get into something like this.. I dont wanna go. There aint fast food there.

There are People say "We never Went to the Moon." They could have faked the moon landing to look like Surface of Mars with Dirt and Rocks . Way back then. How would we even have known?? Then Main 2 could point out, "There are tracks from each rover you can find with a high power telescope." I've looked at the moon rovers tracks on the moon, through a high powered telescope at the park.. in town.

Oh. Really. That Really Disproves the Fake Thing.

YEA. Anyway.. "What if we convert the basement to look like Mars, and film from there?? Each Day Laid Out Like a Episode. I like it. I'm into camera tricks. We can Set up the Basement tooo Look Like Mars.. clean it all out, put dirt and volcanic rocks , and make the basement a set. We can paint the walls green, I have this green screen program, and we can create it all on the computer, and edit the footage. We can Set up a plastic Barbie Rv to look Like a Capsule with a Miniature World inside..and make it look real, in miniature.. it doesnt have to move. Then we set up the camera like its inside and facing out.. without sound, out the side of the barbie vehicle.. "out the service windows" then we set up a timer on Light that is the sun .. and we can put a Christmas light timer on the light, so its always the correct time the sun is up, there.. The show then becomes the footage from out the window on Mars..

Main 1's imagination goes wild and is LIKE.. Ok Ok Ok.. What if WE buy a place outside town, Middle of No Where, Like Outside Elko.. we can use a fake id and I'll rent the place.. its not like the persons gonna run the id on someone renting some space on some some sand?? After We Get a Place.. .. instead of transferring the camera to the new place.. We can then Buy a Second Camera, and Do Live Things. You know? We Could get famous just getting caught.

Then we can Set it up to look like a small Mars settlement, like a old Rv that we make look like exactly like the miniature we have in the basement.. then we can set up the camera where if it looses the feed, the basement feed automatically turns back on.. ? That space capsule we start with in the basement.. that we can fix up. We'll create things we want there in the Yard, and We can Go All OUT???

I mean, Really, Why Hasnt Anyone FAKED the MARS MISSION????

Then they decide.. on How will we stay unknown when in public, when pretending to be on Mars?? So they have to come to costumes for on mars and fake ids for the Martians. Oh, because they come to the problem of needing to either disappear from regular life, or play pretend people there to keep their lives here normal and undiscovered. We need to be able to function around town normally without anyone knowing it is us on camera. We'll.. How? Its not like they wont be researching who we are. Well .. we have to create records of who we are and a backstory to each person. Maybe they were chosen years ago.

Main 2.. is Like.. I can plant high school and college pics and things we digitally create to profiles online? (thats the hardest part in this, proving who they are if on Mars, they can hide who you are in public, or hide who you are on Mars?)

Lets take old rocket footage, then claim we faked a sat rocket launch with our Mars trip.. and how will they prove it?? If we digitally change what the rocket looks like.. How Long till they realize its not real??? Would they ever? ? I mean the only person that knows this stuff, is Norad and people tracking whats in the sky. If we say we Launched 3 years ago.. and provide footage. The only person able to prove us wrong is Norad.

Main 2 Cont: We could then open "the show" with our first message from Mars.. saying we are broadcasting back to Earth. To a Website. We could come up with Laws, and Rules.. and Be cutting Edge to a Point nobody here can compete and it would get so many people jealous. we could promote growing weed on mars that will be sold on earth, as commercials in our ads, then sell regular weed too them. We could have laws on NOBODY CAN USE CANCEROUS FUELS ON MARS. NO Gasoline/Diesel/Jet Fuel with Benzene Based Fuels Allowed. As well as No Rubella into Children under the age of 4. .. No Butadiene Rubber. I have a bunch of info to drop on these Earthlings.. I could have a bit of a power trip about the whole thing? The People on Earth, would feel they lost the race.. Everyone Here would be talking about us.. then they would plan their own trip to Mars, based on what we find.. So when they get there, you know they Cant Find Us. We'll have to be lost signal around that time.. and create a whole issue where we are lost as to why they cant find us. . eventually. They will find us out.

But We'd be the First on Mars, and Create All the LAWS. Wouldnt it be funny if our laws stick, even after found out? We would be the writers of the constitution of Mars, that is taught in school, only to then be found out to be fake. .

We should have multiple supplement rocket trips that arrive after us.. shortly after, so we can build things on camera.. and so we have more materials to work with. We need to build a greenhouse.. a work out facility.. a life lab.. maybe a man cave?? It could have all the things a bachelor pad might have and we could make it attractive to the other sex.. I mean. WHAT if.. we figure out how to get back from Mars. Then become Even Bigger Celebs once back on Earth??? It will take at least 2 to 3 years for them to prove us wrong.

Ok. All I know, is its WAY COLD.. like -100 some times.. and super windy.. like 250+ mph.. sometimes. We will need to partially bury whatever it is.. making sure nothing can be blown away.. then we could have wind storm that ruins the designs of the current mars trips. You can see they design mars things on pedestals like they just landed in alot of drawing. Those would be blown away first storm and we would likely lose people there. We should try to design the whole thing. . to better their trips. And Go thru a Assortment of Problems we Create that Have hard to deal with results, and we can seem very dramatic, while its all fake. I think.. the trick will be .. the wind storm, needs to be in the basement. A tremendous wind storm.. things getting blown around. It might snow out in the desert some time.. we could be ecstatic and it be the first snow storm known on Mars.. I dont think people will figure it out until they send actual people to Mars.

So they have to work out.. how they are Broadcasting out, that has a internet trace that is hard to figure out somehow. We could get sponsors for the Website that Is Providing the "Feed From Mars" that then makes us money.. like its just Coming out of the Computer. They need to set up a person on Earth.. that is their press person.. Like NPH.. Someone that Wont Say Anything.. but is convincing when Called on.

This Press Conference, discloses to the public about How they were able to acquire a Rocket, and it took alot of secret development and 3 years ago they left earth on a quest to be the first humans on mars... and now Here is the First Feed.

Now Nasa feels they Lost the Race too Mars could be shown. .. "Guy running down the Hall, opening door.." like Right Stuff.

While in Press Conference, they should talk about the second rocket coming to replenish them, is only a certain number of days behind.. a Bunch of Unknowns to the NASA People.

Lets say Main 2's character is a tech type.. but has been getting into film.. and has a program for using green screens and editing software, .. somewhere in the open, or they have to buy it.. When they come up with the pics to use as mars green walls, they had to erase cows from the pics, and fill in background where they were, and missed one. If you stand right here.. look over there.. dont scan the camera this way.. thatt cow shows.. just dont show it. it'll be fine. I'll remove the cow later. (unaffecting the show, we just see character and thought it might go that way.. cow stays. They make it look real good with dirt brought in. Whenever the planets arent aligned and the feed is down.. friends might visit and the let them check it all out.. They could set up the complex in the basement, where the place they always walk into to come back into the Base. is the Stairs to go Upstairs. Where they have a Hall Light that Plays the Roll of the Light inside the Base. They could have a panel or two, on strings, that the ac/heater of the house blows on.. and it makes them move enough to look like shadows inside. More than one time.. the Suns Bulb could burn Out. As could the light inside the base (hallway light).

Lets say Main 1s Mom lives in the house with Him. They explain the set up to her, and she says she understands, but she really didnt. She understood to ignore it, u know.. but doesnt understand that they are turning the basement in to Mars and Giving a Live Feed to the World, that Each News Org is Following. So whe She gets on camera in the basement accidentally. They have to explain how She got there. Leading them to bring a Gf into the Mix too, as others that came along.. Main 2 could suggest that Main 1 Should get His Gf get Pregnant.. and She is all about NOT having Kids yet.. Where then its a ongoing thing of Him Trying to get Her Pregnant for the Show, and She although in disagreement.. might be ok with sex without protection? It could be brought up to the public and asked what they think ? First kid on mars.. First Kid on Mars.. and She's like.. You really want kids?? This is more than just some Joke thing?

So When they get everything set up in the basement.. days later, in the early morning. . The Mom is on camera walking across Mars. . and somehow. Nobody that Sees It, says anything.

Around this time they rearrange the video camera, to go from looking outside the capsule, at the basements floor covered in dirt and rocks.. too looking from inside the capsule, where the can be in the scene without a space suit, and turning the walls of the room, to look like windows out, that are green screen. Changing the show from looking out the rv into the room, to the camera in the rv, as the room, and the houses basement walls becoming the outside looking out the window at the surface. Creating a Fake Living Space.. with the original look as the basis. It even harder now trying to first make sure all the same things in the minitures is here.. but also making it seem real. They could also have a basement bedroom on the basement, and design a air lock to go thru to get into.. they might knock out the wall, and add a second exit from the room to the outside of the capsule you cant see till. They build a fake wall, and now can leave out this door, into a fake wall painted green space to get around the outside nd then are outside the capsule downstairs.. a way to leave to walk about outside.

They would decide they have to introduce the mother, as She was there the whole time, just was afraid to be on camera. Then after introduced.. She is all about that Camera Time, and Has all Kinds of Likes, from her conversations about Her thoughts. They are the Rulers of Mars.. and some rules rub her wrong. She might then use the camera, to create school to Teach Her Grandbaby Best, while also teaching all the Kids that tune in.. She would have a bunch of knowledge the two of them didnt know.. She might also be a career Teacher and Mom with schooling in how to be a mom, as well as is a all the Teacher certs. After getting camera time, She might starts holding a lessons on Camera each day.. so Each Episode has something the grandma then wants to teach people. Where the Mains are Each Time Surprised by How much My Mom loves being on Camera and the Fame. After Trying Hard to come up with Material, Mom throws it down without even trying. There could also be the element of forgetting the camera is on, or its not suppose to be, then they use the basement for baby making time..

Things that Could be Included:

On the Property.. . They should create a green house.. and buildings.. and use the buildings design to limit anyone from walking into the picture, via not having a way in.. a courtyard around the property as the outside design. They should have a indoor hydroponic capsule with weed being grown in it, with a see thru roof.. that could crack, and they make a huge deal of it. Then have to repair it as a episode.

Everyone plays in the Mars indoor garden.. You see things like growing weed plants on Camera. It could be their larger building erected.. and each have to go all the way out to the fake place.. traveling out to the fake set, each week.. and all suit up and plays outside, even Grandma, all play in the Mars Yard, making footage to use. After a Couple times, they each have different things they want to bring, and they have to choose how it was made, and how it got there, where it becomes each item then has a storyline we learn, to explain how it got there. They record, and then release footage edited to look like alot more happened between camera times. Since the light is only so long and alignment with earth to broadcast is only for so long. They turn a few hours in the yard, into a whole week with multiple trips in and out. After the complex is put together.. they would be able to carry the camera all over the place.

They make a rover. A Elevated Water Tank. A sculpture.

Power Outage.. There could be a power outage, and the camera stays on.. and the lights go out, before the camera is turned off. and they figure, since the lights are off, and camera is on.. they are found out and they arent. The feed completely drops and then they explain it as the receiver is in this part of town.

Business. They could have a video rental. They could have a Restaurant.

A Race Track to race Rover Designs..

Dump/Landfill/Recycling Policy..

Money Designing and values faces..




Roads designed.. They could decide being too creative could become figured out, so they come up with something. . and then name it after themselves.

Ingredient Law: They could be aware of Make Up Ingredient are dangerous.. so Mom could ban all kinds of things.. sun tan lotion with parabens and triclosan are banned.. Laws banning mascara with mercury, the Mom coming up with a Mars FDA, and FDA Law. They could create a Law System on police person. a Judge Person. a Lawyer.. or just jury. They could create a crime they fake, then hold a mock trial.. that they acquit.

Singing Career... The Gf could take to Singing As When we decide how could they make money, they decide they could sell songs back on earth for money.. That could lead to all the team trying to release a single.

School.. They Home-school, and they could feel it is not enough, and they decide on sending them to school. So till the kid needs to go to school.. they can get away with it.. Then the Famous Kid, has to Pretend to Not Be and Go to School . It puts the whole thing on the kid, and if they believe them.. maybe they are wanting to talk about it.. but nobody believes them.

Shipments: They also should get a shipment from earth in, more than one time, with carefully thought out, along with joke things they plant to give it a people on earth messing with them and their laws.. they knew better.. can u belive they sent this??? With the Shipments.. they have to film something coming in too them from the sky.. where they then have to decide how, and what means.. and it a bit of testing to make it look like one thing, (like reversing the film of a model rocket they build, and deciding it doesnt look real enough.. then just going with a parachute and box. Where they then have to do a bunch of takes to get a parachuting in thing to look real. . where they maybe rent a lift someone has to ride up then throw it off.. and they have to make it look like they were looking up the whole time.. and they slow down the footage... to make it last a little longer and seem more real..

Break Downs.

Hacker.. They then Need a Hacker that Attacks them and attaches pop up boxes to need to erase.. from their feeds. Also finding it not as hard to find their feed as it should be..

Workouts.. They would have to pretend to be stuck inside the whole time, to make it easier, they should build a work out area in the complex.

Sound: Lets have communication with Mars without sound at First. Then upgrade to Sound.. in the basement.

Experiments.. Based on they are Scientist Now, they come up with things to experiment with.

Sports.. 2 on 2. 3 on 1.

Mars First Fashion Designer Wife. Where She is releasing ideas to the internet on Earth to sell from Mars..

Water from Air Generators: Solar Panels powering Water from Air Generators that pull air from inside the sealed indoor garden to be able to create water from the o2 coming off the plants.

Backlash.. They could often do things that they think will get them discovered.. then never found out. Even when you think its all over.. it needs to go back to they are normal people and have nothing to do with the Mars Thing. They have to decide not to Stop even when they think they are close to being found out, and then right when we think its over, when Nasa is on too them, Cops onto them.. Landlord is onto them.. their desert place is found out.. it seems like the end. They are in the clear still. End.

As a End. They could be busted at the Outside Place by the Landlord, the Internet Feed Turns Off, and they are then again.. broadcasting from the basement.. and they decide to drive out and see what is going on, and the landlord couldnt find them, and found the weed capsule, and now feds are everywhere.. While it does look like the set. They use color technology to hide the actual colors of things, so nothing actually looks like what is on camera, and they discover they still arent busted. It can end a series of movies to come.

NO NASA?? OMG.. the weed is busted. NOT the MARS Stuff.. OMG. I forget about the weed growing issue.. They really are only there for the weed?? Back to the Basement. Leaving the Ending Open. It leaves it Much Funnier after Seen. Like each person walking up to cast will say things like. . Nobody Knows Still, Right????

-Thanks David

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