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By David Ramey Gordon

GENRE: Experimental, Comedy

======== Pilots Tv Show ==================

The idea is a show airing new pilots and short films rewrote as hour pilots, some stories connecting to prior, but the majority doing their own thing.  I included some ideas to submit in the pitch, but it could turn solely to user submissions.

Submitted to the Shows Website, the the writing crew changing what they need..  Each episode having a full length shows feel.  Somewhere in the Open Sequence it should give where to submit your idea for a coming show..

The Commercials would be Sketches in Pilot Locations.  I dont like a commercial that shows anything of the coming show if its a surprise? So commercials as in a plane or boat cockpit between pilots.. about the coming show, then into someone elses idea. but still not showing the show coming.  it could show highlights of last show that they talk about now, a week late?   

Each hour, is a independent Tv Show open, or even a Films Start, or Tv Program like a Game Show, but Each Short, as a Pilot .   Often story's end, then later can pick up with a different cast and same show, second pilot.   Then the Cast, can be made of Guests and Reoccurring People, but also always trying to not be recognized as the same characters between shows.    Its like a sketch show, laid out longer and harder to spot.

Each Show would be a Pilot, and get a whole episode, SO the opening credits if a whole hour like a new show, not as the pilots show.  a Commercial before the pilot that is the open, that you could host, or just have actors playing the rolls of pilots.   Saying Hello.. explaining the layout in the first few, then without that part later on, just opens with whatever the pilots title is. . so it becomes a funny thing to see what tonight is.. then other episodes it could be split up and be more than one pilot. 

Some might be split into 2 or 4 at a time.   You could even have one last more than one episode to be a short 2 or 3 hour movie..  it can really go anyway you are wanting it to go.

If you did it online, then edit it for tv later, it could be any length thing posts, then submit the next at any time instead of having to wait.  you could do mass posting nights with many, and other times.  weeks without to protest something too.  You could do whatever you want.  

 Then you run into the issue, or problem of running out of personal material.?  
At the open, Our Staff would each have things they want on, the actors would have ideas too.. but after lets say.. each thing to the website is only judged against what is there. . We would run out of material,  The Website would make the show somewhat lasting or  "Evergreen."

I wrote this a while ago..  If you are interested, I cn write up New Stuff.   My First Episode Idea:  is left where its a open ended study.. I dont know the answer.  I do know joint pain and sorbital, xylitol, and most sugaless sugars are joint pain causing.

Possible Open:
So the First Pilot idea of the Show would be You playing a Doctor Doing "A Study on Possible Effects of the Artichoke" .  So the Show might open where She is using crowdfunding to create a starting capital to do advertising to find people that really eat alot of artichoke if possible.  Then comparing them to a person with less artichoke diet, to see if it causes anything that is easy to spot in looking at many of a groups afflictions at once.. like .. Maybe many have Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Or Lupus.. Or Something It maybe causes?  
She could as well.. Be selling no waste Fly catchers that self clean and re-hydrate a sticky thing to start it over..  with a cover that hides the caught insects, where She made a infomercial about the global problem about house flys and horse flies cause blindness in kids and adults, after landing near their eyes.   As well as asks that someone do a study on horseflies and their stings effect on people.  Then maybe nobody is a taker so far.    But She sells them for barns and homes, and bedrooms.   Plug in and solar.  Also included it has some kinda mosquito drawing light that is shaded to the person looking at it..  She could also have a line of Spider traps for home and bedroom.  .  And brings up the danger of how many things are very poisonous and we assume nobody can be bitten.   Where She's just a smart doctor on tv.. and we see she isnt a doctor at all in real life.    Shes a person doing a study and pretending to be a doctor doing the study.  

Lets say the "Doc"  read that most Arthritis Meds are Like.. Either ..  Dandelion Root.. Or Milkweed Root.. (its choice two, choice one is a cure too, Look it Up. ) You know.. the Thistle.  Its what is the base in many pills.    If you go to body worlds exhibit.. you would see severe joints with arthritis.  Its calcium deposits.  So Milkweed is a natural break down of calcium is the pills She gives people..   She goes to vitamin cottage, swaps the labels to Her own.  On Both.  Mixes them together equally.   Take one a day..

She gets online.. Orders Pancreatic Enzyme Tablets.. Finds out it needs refrigerated.   And starts her own factory to make them using the money from the other pills.  Sells them as anti cancer preventive vitamins.    Proven by Dr. Ballard and susan summers is her moms woman power 90's hero.  
She then finds a turmeric pill to take.. again.. That is a cure to bladder cancer in that it likely cancels out cancerous arsenic in how it saves lives.  China and India eat High in Turmeric Diets, and Have Arsenic Filled Water Like We Do, and They have LOW Bladder and Prostate Cancer Levels.  Eating More Mustard than usual is one preventive thing you can do tonight.. in a infomercial she made for the pill line.. You begin to see she has a empire in health pills.  

Into struggling through applicants that say they eat a bunch of artichoke, and ones just there to mess with her, but finding out shes taking blood, and xrays and wants to find each thing wrong, and also wants to find out the effects of weed, as the alternate thing if you were just there to bs.. would you be willing to smoke weed and be tested for any long term changes?  Am i talking to the wrong guy???  
I think a story line could turn into a second and third study about a different thing you think would be interesting?  
I found out that Thirsty People often have strokes vs not hydrated people.   Over 50% of stroke victims are dehydrates has been reported by multiple sources.   So she could bring up that as a study she takes credit of, based off that data.. then did someway, and found that is true data.. dehydration is a often cause of stroke and heart attack.    Drinking 5 glasses of water a day, is a 50% reduction in stroke chances is a known data point in her conversation needs said.  alot.  
I think in her studies she might discover something they all are saying that seems too clear to not say something is wrong.. u know??  Maybe you make it all up .. and have to defend we needed a villain and a way to solve the problem.  You know?
But the Show taking care to not show people..    

Then Before Finding Out if the Answers are in Her Study... It swaps to a New Story.   Where you can leave it for a long while and people will find out the answer for the study for us.  

We put up the question in the show, now people have to tell us if the show is right or wrong.   Before we have any answers.  It will lead to someone doing the study.  
We could wait to write the concussion till we know a answer.
Many will want to know the answer, and wait for the series too restart.

Next Story Maybe a Episode or Two Long? :  
A story that doesnt tie in for a while.. till the character is connected to the first with a tie in of they are your characters first recipients in the study of a treatment med that fixes a problem.  There we see they see Our Character ONLY as a Doctor.  

Then that Ends..  Next Episode:
A Show about a person with promise and putting in hard work.  Is completely unsuccessful, day after day as we see.   We see a never give up.. a perseverance.. and fight not seen before.. and just when you think the struggle is finally over.. nope.  Keeps gone.   ( The show is the dramatic set up for the next show.. a comedy about someone going through the opposite.  This show was to teach how you need to be if you aren't gonna think out what direction in life you want to go.)

Then Next Show.. A Person without putting out much work.  Not born into wealth.  But you see not much struggle.  Comes up with a fairly simple idea.. like a ap that everyone wants, that is new and purchase-able on the website, becomes super rich, just learning on google aps how to code the project together..  the shows idea teaching a kid how to come to an idea, and how to put it together.  Really funny, would be they are dumb with their money and do odd thngs, like mail out money to people for things to get made.   They maybe create a developer hub where you can pitch an idea, and the idea is made, and then the poet pitching the idea gets a percentage.  It might have a network with a membership and non disclosure compete to have the ap and password as well as it watches the cams on the phone and computer to verify who is on and what is accessed is monitored to see who might be a spy to a company that is trying to find out things on the page, where the website then isolates the people it thinks exposed the part of the list they were allowed to access.. and then shows them fictional ideas only that the system has already deleted.    Giving them old ideas, that have been seen and passed on by everyone in the network, before they come out on their lists, then they play themselves to the public that way of Im a normal competitor in the market if you dont know.
Rather than let the competitors bully them in the market, You character could come to a style where everyone helps layout a scam on business that the website has shown as people we know are passing our ideas to others.   Where Her idea is create all the competition to an idea before releasing the idea, and as soon as we see the idea taken and made, and opened, the new competition enters the market.  So you get to come up with the better ideas, and rate all the ideas on something, and then choose the worse of them, and send that idea on to the list as what is released.  Where if you are in the verified not spy network, you get to see the set up we are pulling on the spys, and get invites to own the competition business with a discount that she is buying them in, just asking they run it for Her and not tell anyone about the set up.      
So we have this team online she has assembled.. similar to a Zoom Meeting.  Talking about when we restart this meeting, were gonna add the spys, and none of you know.   ALL of you are on board for the Brand New Idea.  Nothing has been said yet too any of you about anything.  I will be pitching this idea.  To the Whole Group.   Be on board.  Be supportive of the spys.. Heres what I want the convo to go like.. in your own words.   If they communicate you cant afford to start anything, you're just here for the uplifiting meetings.  .    
Then the Next Show Starts before we find out how it goes Down .    GAME SHOW..
When it comes back.. It cant get back into the swing of thing immediately..  it becomes more email invites to ideas, she is paying them to open for her..    more and more set up ideas..  with low values shes paying out.. but its all website things.  
Where they then take them, and we see they built a marketplace for each persons idea paid too them.. to be on this hub, somewhere else, all their new things.. and the competitor doesnt see the new thing getting hot somewhere else they arent.   Then they release the Lesser of the Ideas to the Spys..  The Week the Spys Companies are in the News showing off their New Product and Idea to the Public, the Website that Was getting Hot somewhere Else releases.. with all the different products one, two .. sometime many steps farther past the tech of the brand new product the Spys release.   She wins that fight.. that week..  
The competition is left without a winning product and we see they need to retool.   As well as see they were set up by their clearly seen spys.   Now they need to come to a better way to spy..  but in the mean time, they start making up copies of each thing they released.  Making the shelves fill up with a second and third brand.  
That show could end.   Or.. it could be back from a different perspective and we find out what the competition was doing and was like, and why???     There is always a reason why someone does something ?  
Then Next show could start.  

Game Show.   (This Before the Story of the Spys they are fighting stealing ideas. )
Each team is given 1 million dollars, and is to use the money to open a business, that then makes money and are expected to pay back the money at the end of the season.   The Team that Makes the Most money using the million, gets to keep it.   The others simply giving it back.  
At the end of the time period, SHE Tells the Audience the Idea is each team will be taking that same million and handing it to the next team for next season.    Each team gives back the money.  
Then the Team that Made the Most with the Money, is awarded the 1 million dollars.
Each Team is measured on Time Since Given the Money.   Each Quarter All the Teams that Have Data To a First Quarter are Compared and Awarded...   At a Year, some are closed.  Some are Bringing in Millions and have reinvested into new ideas to try and get even more from their million.    

You as the Host, where we see a second side of the show, and it stops at breaks and goes to back stage and their lives.. maybe a person asks a question, and she stops filming and answers it.  and restarts..  WE find out, she is making it up as they go, sometimes between takes.  
There could also be a element of she takes lots of breaks.. like weed smoking breaks and comes back sometimes next monday to finish, and Has them all pick back up, like nothing has changed, all back in same outfits.. etc.   Edited to look same day, moments later..

Its Her show.  Her Money.  She made Her money as a day soap star.    Net worth in the 100's of Milllions.. Where She Has Iots where this came from.. and we see she expects to take a huge loss as we know business fail, and spend, and lose it all.  So the Show She started.. is a website based submission of ideas, that the sponsors pay for the writing up of the plan if selected by the staff.. and they have to be really good money makers to go to the next step, taking out the stress, they create a timeline of each step the persons team needs to make and the amount being spent does match the projections to the step .. and when they dont match She is making them have meetings and updating the networks projection on things of this nature for next time they decide to fill something like this idea..    

Each Team to be on the show, submits over 10 ideas to the show, and each are first voted on by Her Staff and Her.. then the top teams plus any they feel get them a good funny angle are funded by Her Sponsor.. She likes to add all Teams that submit only comedic ideas.
Chosen ideas are then sent to their business writers and each step and stress figured out and prices and availability of doing the idea is figured out.. and when 1 million dollars is reached.. the idea list up to then is shown as what the team wants made and in what order, and why.  Where its turn key, and they pay a employment company to them start the company, and the team that submitted the idea, then becomes the spokesmodels of the business, as well as minority owners, without a say in business happenings.  The companies owned by Your Character as the 51% Major Partner on ALL.
Where we dont see on the side of the show, there is a team with each team, and making them jump through each step and hoop, but helping them, and not to say it.. holding their hand and making each do the idea correct and exact, with a Gordon Ramsey Co star as the Host that runs the side show team.   So we get to see Him chew out people in a fictional way, where he can be really funny.

"Changes"  Single Episode Pilot, where its about Everything being named differently, and poorly.   Like tons of things named after what they do and not what we refer too them as.   Like Hammer.  isnt a Hammer.   Things you eat.. things you eat with.  Then every here and there, things names we call things.  Like Bowls.   Then just after we laugh that bowls is the same.. they are like.. hey its bowling night.. yea.  Lets go Bowling.  Oh I know.  Just saying the world bowl reminds me.  How great.   As well as everyone is named not often used names .   Where everything chosen for all the characters, and their pets is funny and odd.   Then One Person.. after a portion of episode, Points this Out.  And She Comes to ALL New Names.. ..  where then she makes a video coming too a new name for each idea, none being used currently for each.    "We should call this a.." and then before we get to see the public's reaction... the episode ends.

Movie or a Episode with New Ap Released.
Female that starts a "One on One Bet on Anything" Ap with ads between reading bets when looking through them on the ap.   Where it starts as a tournament of items website, that many people would post odd ball things, that often get really far in the tournament, and She sees a opportunity.. and creates a competition and betting website.. where you can put any item, picture, or video.. and bet any amount you want, the website holding your money, that your thing gets more likes than anyone elses.  No names shown on who put what up when deciding "Votes."
If the persons thing gets more likes than anyone else that paid the bet amount to be in the competition, they Win All the money.
So after Creating Your Bet, and Posting it to the Looking For Takers Section.. Once Someone Takes a Bet.  It then posts to the main page, and everyone can jump in with anything else to be liked, if they put up the bets money.    Then after a number of days.. the person that has the Most Likes..  Wins ALL the Money.
It could in the story line.. decide to award the top 10 people in each bet, 10% of the bets, as well as the website take 10% of the bet..  Where then the Winner gets 80% of their bets back.. and the players decide to stop playing..  Someone else makes a new website that is free of taking their money, and uses just sponsor ads to pay the website.  And She falls apart.   .  

Ok.   I'll end at that.  This is actually kinda old, I could write up a bunch more.  Thoughts?  

-Thanks, David

David Ramey Gordon © Copyright 9.18.2021


The idea is a show airing new pilots and short films rewrote as hour

pilots, some stories connecting to prior, but the majority doing their

own thing. I included some ideas to submit in the pitch, but it could

turn solely to user submissions.

Nathaniel Baker

Rated this logline

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