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By David Ramey Gordon

GENRE: Sci-fi, Comedy

Each Episode being all about Different Scams Mermaids are Doing to Trap Humans, drawing them in by Lust and Cleaver relationship wishes.. to their underwater city, that once there, you cant leave.


The Series Pilot opening following different Mermaids getting their stories for a few episodes, each doing something to trap a Pirate or Towns People, into city work in the underwater city they live in. Becoming their love interest.. but then finding out.. they arent the only one.

Into being introduced to a Female Pirate that takes the Mermaids over.. being more controlling than the Mermaids that tried to Land Her. She then being enlisted to teach other Mermaids how to do better scams.

It could open in a scene where a Pirate Ship has left a city a blaze.. rand-sacking and pillaging.. they sail away.. and land on a nearby beach and bury their booty..

The next morning.. laying out on the beach, is a mermaid.. That upon seeing the mermaid.. they get closer. Into the Mermaid going into some kinda scam. And convincing them How badly they want to be with them.. come in the water with me.. and then its like .. rolling around in the waves.. into come back to my place? ?

Into.. The Pirates Leave, as we see other Mermaids come on shore.. and start digging up their treasure.

Later... we see them in the city, working as city workers. Each Mermaid making sex/ city worker slaves of each person they trap. . some in a more bf gf deal. others.. in a stripper patron type roll. .. part of the reason they take the pirates.. is they are makers of more mermaids.

I want it more like teaching a person how to really get another going and wanna spend more time with them.. comic like.. drama like.. each changing scam like a hitting on them, and the idea being. Then in the middle of the story. Things like Pirate Ships and Stories following what they are doing at the time.. before trapped by the Mermaids. The overall thing being each episode having multiple funny ways the Mermaids trap the Pirates.

There could be a aspect of a Mermaid Has to use a Human to make another Mermaid.. 1/2 human are just more appealing, and the humans are needed to continue without diluting the breed.

The humans once trapped in the underwater city find they are completely unaware they are at War with the Mermaids. We find the King has a decree to have the Mermaids take over the Entire Oceans. He Says, "The Humans Control the Land.. We Control the Ocean.. .. Its just how it Is."

All Mermaids know its a 'all in" Scam each time, where they know they will be hunted if they dont win, and are willing to do anything to keep the Pirate or Victim from getting away. Because the victim doesnt know they are one.. and Mermaids are thought of a fictional thing, it gives the Mermaid an advantage of making a human want to see more.. like where they live.. and other physical things..?

Each with a storyline that is convincing them to come along.. sometimes not selling it well.. other times selling it fantastic. It changing with what Mermaids we are working with. The more time spent, the more interesting their relationships later. "All the time we spend together.. ..I thought we were closer.. oh" , and they dont ever kill them, they take them to their city to be their willing slaves. No deal?

It could fail. "You want me to have sex with a fish?? I mean.. I thought you lay eggs ?" That person could become a comic relief trying to tell people what happened and nobody believes him. Then it could turn out to be true.. and some Mermaids are without sex parts.. and lay eggs. They still scam like the other Mermaids that can.

If they get discovered and the person makes it back to a bar. That could need a whole new scam.. and back up.. how can we deal with a whole bar of drunks to come along. quick.. swim and get back up.. and then they set up a quick scam to end up getting a whole bar of drunks to come to the underwater city..

Its not only Mermaids walking around they can sex.. there is Fish Heads with Human Legs too.. Some might be more animal like. But its all Mermaid and Human Base.. When the Mix is less than 1/16 Human, the baby is just a Fish. Just a Regular fish when too diluted under 1/16th human. Many might not understand how it works, and the King does. Where the Pirates Figure out.. and even knowing.. not all decide to go with 1/2 human mermaids, and get another 1/8 to 1/16th human mermaids.

There could be human mermaids that are rare, like joined fish feet with thighs. That might make a Regular Human if baby ? Some Human Lookers having Fish Hands. or a Fish Forehead.. or underwater breathing capability, a human with Gills.. and others with the Opposite.. a Fish Head and body with hands and feet. and Good Hair.. They sometime chase their own tail too.

Each Pirate has a Personal Captor.. each Mermaid, Males and Females.. use their sex appeal to be very controlling, and when their captives revolt.. its like.. but baby. Why are you mad. I can take you back up . But Please Stay.. is it me..? Do you want a different Master? Youre gonna make me cry. Please dont leave.. and if you are more direct.. more Mermaids show up to try to convince the pirate to quit talking like that and to wanna stay.

In all.. the conversations could always turn sexual and away from them leaving.. and afterwards when back with their buddies.. its talking about how their never gonna make it away. Are we ever gonna see the surface again.. ?

Later it could be.. like. "I'll take you back up. ok. But you cant say anything to anyone.. If i take you home.. whats to keep you from telling every person about here and making them want to hunt mermaid??" Hinting they really wont be letting them go.. but the story grows.. tomorrow we can.." "oh.. town. Cant today. . " All the Slaves are trying to figure a way out, and are in love.. and addicted to what is going on.. and dont want to leave.. but do.. ahh.. im so turned on.. i have to be strong.. ah. A kind of weird relationship.. that only Mermaids and Pirates are in.

So after a bunch of Mermaid scams and Setting up the story.. The main should turn to a Female Pirate that just wont go with them.. but is intrigued.

She Figures out their patterns, realizes they are up to something.. After multiple scam tries by a weaker mermaid fellow.. she makes Him, Her pet. She could talk how she is gonna take over his world, and then hes like. . you gotta tell these guys how you talk to me.. .. and they all come talk.

She would teach them things thats are more bold, but creative in how the scam goes. This is what your trying to do right??? Do it like this. Say this.. sliding closer.. stealing kisses.. before saying wanna come to the bottom of the ocean and see my place?? You know we have to use "mouth to mouth" to get you there... ?

She could become a character going between the surface and below. While the others all could, they just are weak and dont. When she gets to talking with them, she catches fire with ideas on how to ruin the bad people, only if its the bad pirates.. like. so and so and this one guy.. and they are like.. oh. when that happened did you know that He took all the Gold from them .. then left it buried over there. Like right there.

.. and shes like. Whoa.. First. You know who that is.. and they are like. We know every boat. You Dont? You guys cant see us only a few feet away when were under your sunset.

She then talks with the King, and discusses how it has to be the bad people, not just all people. Argues with the King. But even with the gritty, she teaches the mermaids how to do a better hoax, (gaining the kings trust..)

She could have them start a mermaid town on the surface that nobody surface that hasnt been down and back, know of. That they take the pirates too.. ones that want out.. Like some island paradise. Some might make it off.. others might want back to their nicer places under the ocean. It could be interesting if the mermaids cant make it on the land, the legs on fish heads can, but arnt nearly as smart enough to make it work. Then the Pirates Know thats half fish. . and are hungry for something different..

The Pirates that do leave, could start a War with the Mermaids. But thats like.. 1 at a time. Maybe even multiple ships controlled by one .

Another Time could be a scam goes wrong, and someone gets away, and directly could expose the Main to the People in a town bar as a double agent for the mermaids. Where She is like. He's a drunk.. "The hell is he talking about?" and hits on him with like.. But I wouldnt Mind Getting To Know Him.. , and like a moron.. he's like.. really?? and She makes Him start drinking, and she lures him to the water. Keeping Him from Running his mouth again.

Then a similar problem, where a person gets away.. the island town finds out.. they Turn to Trying to Trap and Hunting them.. causing the Mermaids to need to resort to taking over the town.. or taking over all the towns boats after they leave.. before they are discovered elsewhere.. .. So the town people are like.. all the Trappers and Hunters arent back yet?? Then Pirates that were trapped by the Mermaids .. come and rand-sack the town.

-David Ramey Gordon

Copyright 10.11.21

S Triangle Talent Agency LLC

Nathaniel Baker

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