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By David Ramey Gordon

GENRE: Sports, Fantasy

When you look up a sport, it says FIRST PROFESSIONALLY PLAYED this Date. Each episode of this show, is dedicated to playing a whole game of a new idea.  Making each episode the first professional competition of each sport. 


A Tv Show, that Plays Newly Created Sports, that are Pitched to the Show, by the Public, via a website filled out submission template . Each Episode a First Time ever played Event ending in a Trophy Ceremony.

Each Show, 2 Guest Hosts take on each other in a chosen newly created Sport. The winner of last episode is the Host this one, and they take on a Guest Host..

The Audience that turns it on, is watching a sport they dont know yet. It has amateur, pro, and retired players, all organized like a pro sport, but what is the game???

Each episode set up to make you question what sport you are watching and what the rules are, and during the airing, a vote on the name of this sport, at the website. It could air live there too.

I'd like to see at least 8 teams each Season Finale.. compete in different sports as a tournament of sorts.

First Voting on what sport they want to play, between the two teams, no outside vote. Or.. a New Sport that is Great, to play first time.. Into the Winner Moves to Take on Next Winner in the Bracket. Even a 16 team tournament isnt out of the general idea.. But something that all the teams then compete in a new sport televised season Finale Game.

World Champs would get its name from each Aired Game, being the championship game with a trophy to Win. Since its new, there isnt a person to say this isnt the championship game for Season 1. ?

Each episode of World Champs, opening Like any other Pro Sport Opens on Tv, but without the Tv Audience unaware of the Game Yet.

You see a coin flip, or whatever creative way this sport opens. with refs.. and a normal professional sport level of each team in jerseys and whatever special protective equipment this sport requires..

I think there needs a element of naming the sport, with a vote on the name, with each episode. SO before the Name is decided.. we would see the game. Maybe a vote on the name for sure, before the episode is over, so it posts with the new name online, at the end.

Right into Game Play. When the game play isnt as strong.. the announcers going over the rules of this game, and maybe even having to fully describe what they are trying to do.. if they arent? And what of course, what the rules are. Some games will have Halftimes.. Others might be Breaks between Periods. Lets say no more than 2 hours of play, with 15 minutes of solid game play at a time, with a break somewhere in that time limit. Season 1. Season 2.. who knows? This show should be easy to do live online. Each Game Then Ending with a Championship Trophy Presentation, where a Custom Design New Trophy is presented to the Winners. Then the Host having the trophies their team won.

At the Sports Talking Room, would be a trophy case behind them, with all the different trophy's.

When when a Person Watches This Show.. you control the sponsors on the Jerseys, (each Host can have their own sponsors) You control the commercials, the shows merch.. and all on this new sport equipment. Thats the Big Money in Here, Newly Designed Sports Equipment manufacturing. Thats a similar to a monopoly on equipment production, but its not because its the first time played.

The Website Money Maker: It should have a bunch of template rules at the website, where there is no more than 15 minutes of continuous game play, require a commercial break and time out. (as well as other ideas and options as somethings to put in your template. ) Each idea for the sport on the show, would start in a template online, that someone fills out, a submission contest for new sports. Staff allowed to submit. The winner getting a contract. It would be a even stronger website, with a "watch ads", and it fills a personal "meter", and then you can spend the "meter money" in the marketplace, or cash out. It could be a connect your paypal account and get paid to watch the ads.. in the marketing for the league.

New Submissions: So each time a person submits a new sport, we can make them sign a year contract to give the show the rights to air exclusively the persons new sport. I'd say for a Year for a time period, then the show has some kinda exclusivity. ? The only issue is a person saying you cant play my sport.. cause thats not legit.. so it needs something, like a complimentary airing contract. Since its not a legitimate thing to have exclusivity on playing a sport, it could be a complimentary thing we only do because its paying the idea maker. It would likely work to lock out other tv programming for a year.. and then the big scoops will get picked up by other networks.. when that happens. We all get paid. Ads could talk about how we choose to kick back proceeds to the inventors for the contract term, without it having to be a real thing. The inventor of Soccer, Baseball, Football, and Hockey got nothing. The website could.. for the life of the website, honor paying inventors for the ideas. I know that would bring in better ideas? I see a way to make a bunch of money, as a creative writer, if you can come up with interesting show worthy sports. There is a bunch of money in having a contract on the invented sports equipment.. it could have a design studio that builds the equipment for us, for each winning idea. Each Sport could have a marketplace on individual pages, where companies can post their wares with a percentage taken on purchases.

At the Website a Submit your idea, to a template asking a bunch of questions and rules,

How many players.

What the surface of the sport.

What Safety Equipment is needed.. Whats the type of field used, and field design?

The Template Asking you adapt it too a football, baseball, or soccer field / or other is the choices.. .. if a custom design is needed, then it letting you request a custom design field.

Each submission gets a staff look over, and discussed before added to the list of potential games in the show.. what equipment is needed.. how many refs.. what is legal, what isnt.

How is the game played..

What should be the Rules.

Whats a foul.

What is the Game Stoppage.

What constitutes ejection?

How many Time Outs.

Whats the ball design. Is there a any needing invented aspect that can be marketed as a new sports ball or needed equipment??

The Official All Around Outfit: Not necessary in all games..

I would think the all around is Soccer Shoes.. Shin guards from soccer, knee pads from roller hockey, incorporated into football padded pants.. (new design with non butadiene plastic with gel pad backing.) Then torso protection a qb wears, flack vest. Qb style slim shoulder pads, elbow pads from roller hockey, football receiver gloves with light protections on the outer of the gloves. A Neck Roll, Non-butadiene mouth guard, and non-butadiene football helmets with gel inner pads. Helmets with inner screen AR projectors. It should also have connected to your team and coach, audio. Everyone having a button to connect?? It could use a shake charging battery and or petile based charging the battery energy maker, with a low voltage projector. It can also have a fan that is petile powered. The AR system could have the play called, with options shown.. as well as training programs. ( Hittsheild data shows that gel in helmets is superior to air and foam padding. 60-80% better absorption of energy with gel pads.)

A commercial could have a line like.. "Have a New Sport Idea, Submit it to the website, Each episode is someones winning idea, get that Money." It also could have in the commercial, a Vote on what a coming game is.. every few weeks, as a Public gets to choose between Sports with a Vote.

Our national media is blacking out a recall, to protect makers of rubber, that were using gasoline sludge in everything. Chewing gum. like gross.. is gasoline sludge.. most sports ball bladders are.. MEDIA BLACKOUT. ALL Butadiene Rubber, R-134a, R-22, many foams. The Tire Fill in Many Sports Indoor Complexes is KNOWN CANCEROUS since 1992.

Sponsor Ideas: It should have a national trophy maker as a sponsor, along with others like. a sports drink without fake sugars. sports safety equipment with gel inside helmets and not air or foam. non butadiene mouth pieces . Sports Field Non Butadiene Fill Company.. Sports Shoes Company. Sports balls of non butadiene company. and a Sports equipment company that makes new equipment for the show. Maybe even a sports athlete snack bar.

[Clover: So like.. I have a game like 4 teams play at one time, British bulldog and football. Where I call It Clover, so its 4 leaves with a center large circle, each with a team goal they design with hole sizes and amounts as a part of it.. and the goals mount, slowly spins them.. It could be padded walls, or a field. If tackled, the ball is down, you put it in the launcher or a person functioning as one, and you have to get the ball back into play any way you want.. Each hole worth the same amounts.. and each 1/4, adding a ball to the game. ]

-Thanks, David Ramey Gordon

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