Irlanda Marlene Martínez Sánchez

Irlanda Marlene Martínez Sánchez

Sales Agent and Screenwriter

Zapopan, Mexico

Member Since:
October 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Irlanda

The strange girl in the corner who learned how to make it in the pharmaceutical business to survive, but all that she wants it's to be a filmmaker and write the whole time.

I´m from Mexico, 33 years old and I have a law degree, but I´m in pharmaceutical sales.

I always wanted to study or work in something of filmmaking, but it wasn´t until I move to Guadalajara that I enter to "Cinematography" career; then everything became so clear...

So I´m working hard to be a screenwriter, in Spanish and English, I've been on a few projects as P.A. and Script Assistant, but I decided to improve my skills and I got back to sales to pay the bills in the meantime.

I focus on horror, but I love all genres.

Happy to be here :-)


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