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By Babatunde Ehimai

GENRE: Action, Crime, Comedy

An eccentric, retired MMA fighter must overcome incredible odds to unravel the identity of the men who framed him for murder.


A UFC championship match - the spectators roar in excitement. One of the fighters appear to have lost his mind as he beats up his opponent in a manner that might seem inappropriate even by UFC standards. Then he beats up the referee and anyone daring enough to climb into the ring to stop his rampage. This is our hero, MARK EVERTON (30s), three time UFC champion – and he’s nuts.

Five years later and Mark, having lost his fighting license, is living the good life as a successful art dealer.

Then he meets the woman of his dreams, CHRISTIANA. A trip to her home puts Mark right in the middle of her mother’s gruesome murder – with the perpetrator still on the scene. The two engage in a fierce combat but Mark is knocked unconscious – only to wake up later with a concussion and the murder weapon in his hand.

With a history of eccentricity and all evidence pointing at him, Mark knows he stands no chance – and so he takes off, intent on finding the assassin and proving his innocence. He employs all his past athletic skills to stay alive and stay one step ahead as he’s pursued across the city by DETECTIVE CLYDE, a no-nonsense cop with a “Dirty Harry” attitude.

Mark locates the assassin and traces him to a Russian hangout where he meets the rest of the gang in the midst of a drug deal. What follows is an intense showdown that sends Mark spiraling into the kind of violence he left behind in the ring – leaving death and destruction in his wake.

Mark escapes and takes the drug money along for leverage, hereby making himself a prime target for the Russian gangsters and a ruthless Arab drug lord, YASEER BIL-AMIN. Unable to locate Mark, the gang kidnaps Christiana and instructs Mark over the phone to bring the money to Yaseer’s mansion.

Mark teams up with det. Clyde and takes the money to the location. But Yaseer is not contented with just his money, he wants revenge for his dead son. An explosive shootout erupts in the mansion and det. Clyde and his team comes to Mark’s aid.

Mark rescues his girlfriend and brings everyone involved in her mother’s murder to justice.

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