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By Babatunde Ehimai

GENRE: Horror, Fantasy

A literary failure unwittingly becomes the devil’s companion when he inherits a fortune from an unknown relative.


London – In the winter of 1890, a man sits in a small room writing a manuscript – with a gaunt face that tells a history of poverty, pain and disappointments. This is our protagonist, Geoffrey Tempest (30’s). Scholar. Author. Failure.

He is on the verge of giving up all hope – after several failed attempts to get his novel published - when he inherits a five million pounds fortune from a relative he hardly knows. And with his new found wealth comes the intimate courtship of the charming and fabulously wealthy PRINCE LUCIO RIMANEZ.

The two forms an alliance - and with Lucio’s connection in the English circle - Geoffrey soon climb up the social ladder and marries the beautiful daughter of an earl, SIBYL (20’s).

But tragedy strikes when Sibyl commits suicide after a failed attempt to lure Lucio into her bed. Devastated, Geoffrey sets out on a voyage to Egypt with Lucio and members of his crew aboard the prince’s yacht – THE FLAME. In Egypt, what was supposed to be a leisurely vacation turns out to be a slew of chilling revelations that almost drive him mad – and unable to continue with the journey, he begs Lucio to take him home.

The crew set sail for England but are stranded in mid-Atlantic when the yacht is attacked by terrifying forces of nature. And here, Geoffrey – surrounded by an army of demons and the dead – comes to realize that the Flame is not just a vessel, it is HELL on water.

Rescued from the devastation of the vessel and the abyss by divine intervention, Geoffrey returns to England and discovers to his shock that he has lost his entire wealth. Every penny and everything he owned has disappeared just has fast as they had materialized.

Not willing to be weighed down by his misfortune in life and in love, Geoffrey picks up his pen once again and starts afresh. And one day, while taking a stroll along Westminster abbey he comes across his old friend and companion - the man whom he knew as Prince Lucio Rimanez – but whom the angels once knew as Lucifer, son of the morning star – and whom men know as Satan, prince of darkness.

Nate Rymer

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Babatunde Ehimai

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