I grew up in Schinnen, Holland, born in Virginia, and I was raised in a mixed ethnicity household. I had a privileged childhood, an amazing education, learned multiple languages, moved out and immediately became a drug addict. Before the exciting part of my life, I graduated high school with enough credits for a 2 year degree and started a career in Education. I worked my way up to being a salaried student support specialist but that still didn't prevent my eventual decline. Sitting in jail, withdrawing, my old childhood fantasy stories I told my sick mother to help her sleep came back to me after 2 years of heroin infused haze covering my brain finally dissipating. I got out, having experienced screenwriting in high school and several 2 out of 10's on the Blacklist, I tried screenwriting again. Now I get 90s on the Red List with my rewritten script and I'm ready to share it.
Unique traits: Multilingual (English, Spanish, Japanese)
The Shining Stars Above Budget: $10M - $30M | Fantasy Teenage paranormal investigators, struggling with their new case and familial bonds, seek the help of K-Idols of the past to help them exorcise a Demonic entity from their dead mother's past.
Southern New Hampshire University