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By Amber Epling

GENRE: Drama, Family
LOGLINE: A young, mentally disabled woman is taken in by a rancher and his son.


Celeste Grey, a mentally-challenged 20-something girl, escapes from the institution. By fate, she ends up on a ranch with 50-something RUSS, whose wife had been institutionalized before committing suicide, and his handsome, self-centered adult son (GABE). They soon discover to everyone's shock that Celeste is pregnant, thus raising suspicions of authorities, but they also quickly learn that she had been raped at the mental hospital. Meanwhile, Gabe and Russ face financial problems at the ranch but Russ convinces Gabe they should keep caring for Celeste, namely to alleviate the guilt Russ feels about sending his wife away to the institution so long ago. They face trials and tribulations trying to help Celeste. After trying everything he can think of, then Gabe realizes that Celeste calms down when he lets her befriend one of their horses. In a moment of insight, Gabe decides to start a program to help other mentally-challenged people in the same way by using their ranch and horses. Of course, in turn,this would save the ranch, which he loves more than anything in the world. Just as they start the program to help the mentally-disabled, Child Services informs them that they intend to take Celeste's baby immediately after birth unless it can be cared for by a married couple. At this point, Russ, who has newly befriended his deceased wife's best friend, asks her to marry him. She says yes, and they adopt the child. In turn, Celeste and her baby are saved, Gabe learns what it is to be a real man, and Russ forgives himself for what happened in the past.


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