After two years away from his beloved of Memphis, TN; wealthy book publisher Marcus Bishop arrives home to find his city a disaster. The economy is sagging, commerce failing, and buildings are being boarded up at an alarming rate. One building in particular catches his eye: An old castle-like structure that sits in the Garden District.
Book Two of Dar's Adventures in Space If it weren't for bad luck, freighter captain Dar Meltom would have no luck at all. Stalled by fate, and with a cargo of Jamaraian Rum, Dar is captured by Soothian pirates and pressed into slavery in the treacherous and deadly mines on the unstable planet Versith 5.
Racing horses and racing hearts; it's all part of the Stoddard dynasty. Evan Stoddard inherited an age-old farm in the heart of Kentucky horse country. He's a winner in many respects: along with a winning smile, he is a winner with horses and with love. His best trophy is his beautiful wife, Suzanne.
This is Sherman, my pet trained pig. I shot this video of him just for fun.