Isra Ahmed Abdelwahab Mohamed

Isra Ahmed Abdelwahab Mohamed

Screenwriter, Filmmaker, Director and Marketing/pr

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Member Since:
December 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Isra

" Those films raised me" growing up my mother was quite a busy woman, she was independent and hard working. That lead her to spend as little time as she could with me, in order to distract me from er absence she got a DVD player, back when you would have to rewind the tape and all, and that is how all of this started, it started with those tapes then lead to CDs and then lead subscriptions. It was those films that raised me, told me the right from wrong, taught me how to love, how to converse, how to think and how to plot... pieces of me are scattered all over my favourite movies. I started writing stories at a young age as well, found it exciting to challenge my imagination and the older I got I found more interest in the silence and that is why I write. when I am in that theatre, it's just me and the characters, nothing else matters. the outside world has been paused and for mere hours, I'm going on adventures, I'm falling involve, I'm grieving and I'm happy. I know that I am not the only one that feels at home in the cinema and I want to be able to generate that feeling in others through my films, tell them that I see them and that I hear them.


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