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When a sitting US President stokes enough fear, hate, and negativity to turn neighbor against neighbor, that negativity ends up at his doorstep.
A Texas-based group of Humanitarian workers, whose job it is to get food, water, or warm clothes to migrants who've been traveling for days, even weeks without having anything to eat or drink ever since they've made it to the US side of the border wall from Mexico, are sick and tired of having their work hindered by corrupt border patrol agents who are eager to please the new authoritarian President of the United States by upholding his racists, inhumane "Prevention Through Deterrence," policy at the border, so they devise an extremely radical plan that they hope will force the tyrannical President to come up with a new and improved comprehensive immigration reform plan. Realizing that they are completely powerless against law enforcement, the humanitarian workers zero in on the family members of the corrupt border agents left vulnerable when they go off to work at the border wall. When more and more border patrol agents stop showing up for their shifts out of fear of coming home at the end of their shifts to brutally murdered family members, it makes the president think about coming up with a better approach to deal with the migrants coming into the country.
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