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By Phil Bridge

GENRE: Drama

A meticulously organised, motivated violent hitman, swaps guns for school bags and hormones when he is suddenly thrust into the world of fatherhood, after being made sole custodian of his estranged twelve-year old daughter. 


A second. That’s all it takes to kill.

For brilliant, methodical, highly skilled and deeply religious hit man Jonas Sharpe, that same briefest of seconds, changed everything; forever.

Mid-way through a contract, his ex-wife is killed in a car accident. Now he is sole custodian of 12-year-old Abigail, a daughter he doesn’t know! But it’s not going to be the same, being a father instead of being a Hit man. Suddenly, you have a lot more to lose, and now, you have a weakness your enemies will exploit. He struggles with severe PTSD, and hasn’t got a clue how to be a father. But when local a gang start brutally bullying Abigail, suddenly, Jonas has got something in common with his daughter; he knows how to deal with violent people.

Whether a once serious, selfish, violent & talented killer, can transition to “family man”, dealing with dating, hormones, tantrums and a grieving child, well, that’s up to Jonas alone. What could go possibly wrong? Especially with a daughter who has particular skills, one such is uncovering the truth, skills much like her father. But she’ll need them now he AND Abigail, are at the wrong end of a hit contract when an assassin, Craven, from Jonas’s past has heard about his new ‘retirement’.

Now realising he has a weakness, Craven choses the optimum time to strike at Jonas and take him out. But who is the person who has Craven on a lead? Who hired him and why? Jonas discovers his employer, is not all that he believed it to be.

Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

Bianca Y. Michaels

That sounds familiar, hmm

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