Mylissa Fitzsimmons's Lounge Discussions

Filming my first short

Hi all,

I have written a short that I'm keen on shooting myself. Now this would be my first foray into filming my own short and because this is going to be micro budget. I've been watching some videos in regards to shooting using a Samsung Galaxy S8+ and it seems to be a good start out "no-budget" ca...

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Andrew Sobkovich

Debbie, which is why I suggested that a phone is perfect for the kind of shoot Matthew is doing.

However it is not a professional tool. it will not produce professional results in a professional manne...

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Mylissa Fitzsimmons

"Soderbergh shot the whole movie on an iPhone. While Baker has said he used a phone instead of traditional cameras due to budgetary constraints, Soderbergh said he was so impressed with the quality of...

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Andrew Sobkovich

Then good luck with that.

Andrew Sobkovich

Now there's a blast from the past. I actually utilized a Fisher-Price Pixelvision camera for its look in a specific sequence in a TV movie a really long time ago. But certainly not as the main camera...

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Debbie Croysdale

@Andrew. I do not disagree with you that professional equipment executes infinite more possibilities visually, but “Needs Must” and if an artist only has the basics, then that is their tool. A phone m...

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