Zoltan Tillman

Zoltan Tillman


Warrington, United Kingdom

Member Since:
January 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Zoltan

Cogito Ergo Sum
This is my first Script and made it in about 7 years, mostly taking parts from actual event in my life. There might be an up and down in tone since people are changing in time with the circumstances (and throughout the Cells within the Human body - this is how we can adopt to nearly any environment within generations, sorry off the track now). I only wish to have a professional look on my screenplay and if it is good enough then I have other ideas as I`m always called "dreamer". Instead of keep dreaming, I subscribe my Script and it will be as it will be but I stop now hesitating. Any criticism is welcome as I have not shown this to anyone I expect not to be perfect. Thank you for all who took time reading my Bio and my script.



  • Hard Reset

    Hard Reset Budget: $30M+ | Sci-fi Drama A tech inventor navigates an important period of his marriage and life as he searches for a new job, before suffering a car crash that leaves him in a dire state... just as he's needed to help deal with a supernatural threat.

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