Francisco Trejo

Francisco Trejo

Crew, Other and Translator

Denver, Colorado

Member Since:
January 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Francisco

I have been to Fortunate to have participated in some productions and have shared my talents with local artists. The aspect of mentoring on set is a great opportunity for bringing out more in production. In my opinion it is key to a successful harmony out of the set and on screen talent by letting them know that they are in a place where they will thrive.

I’m a writer of late in my career, something that thrived out of me once completing high school. It has carried me to meet friends here locally and helped us mutually by creating content online and short films on YouTube.

Voice acting has been a enticing way to expand my knowledge into the craft, by displaying emotions through voice and listening to the range of voice one could create. This is still a work in progress for me.

Editing is the best thing that happened to my life growing up and helped me fall in love with filmmaking. Movies were made in the room , elevated to iconic classics and saved to prominent successes like that. Showing me that it’s not only on set one must perform, but in an editing room.

Unique traits: Bilingual translation consultant for productions





  • Six Nights

    Six Nights (2019)
    Film (short) by Robert Brogden Script consultant

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