Entered the world of animation in the year 1997 at Fil-Cartoons and from there began to work with other existing animation studios around Metro Manila, Philippines; work with couple of series projects from prestigious animation companies, such as Walt Disney, Warner Bros., Dreamworks, Universal etc.. until becoming an Assistant Animation Checker at Toon City from year 2015 to present.
I was also been part of some feature film projects, which belongs "The Little Mermaid III: Ariel's beginning", "Fox and the Hound 2","Tom and Jerry: Blast off to Mars" etc.
I am now currently one of the faculty members of Toon City Academy as a trainer in Animation.
My love for animation brought a couple of "brain children". One of which is being produced by Toon City, "The Legendary Trio".
Year 2008-2010 when my first venture in Animation business began, where I've been the Chief Operations Officer of King Koi Animation Studios and AC3 Animation studio, which both are a subcontracting studio.
Now venturing again as a CEO of Playpen Media Inc. which also focuses on animation adding creative concepts and designs at any form of media.
I am also one of the developers of TESDA's latest Animation NCIII Training Regulation (TR) and Competency Assessment Tools (CATs), also in Diploma for Animation Production and Entrepreneurship (DAPE) and one of the experts of CHED/TESDA on Philippine Credit and Transfer System (PCTS) Development.