Member Since:
January 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Cam



  • A Terrible Day

    A Terrible Day (2012)
    Film (short) by NSI New Voices Principle Actor

  • Trials and Trails

    Trials and Trails (2012)
    Film (short) by NSI New Voices Principle Actor

  • The Promise

    The Promise (2012)
    Film (short) Principle Actor/ Bowling Buddy

  • Path Of Souls

    Path Of Souls (2012)
    Film by Jeremy Torrie Featured Family Member

  • The Class Project

    The Class Project (2012)
    Film by Class Project Productions Featured Buss Rider

  • Silent Night

    Silent Night (2012)
    Film by Silent Night Manitoba INC Featured Christmas Tree

  • S.E.R.E Webseries

    S.E.R.E Webseries (2012)
    Internet by Matthew Michael Murphy Stunt performer/ Tophat Zombie

  • Sweet Alibi "Suddenly" Video

    Sweet Alibi "Suddenly" Video (2012)
    Music by Latsch Studios Featured Circus Barker

  • Smilin Jack: The Jack Layton Story CBC MOW

    Smilin Jack: The Jack Layton Story CBC MOW (2012)
    Television by Smilin Jack Movie Mb Productions Featured Homeless Man

  • Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story CBC MOW

    Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story CBC MOW (2012)
    Television by Number Nine MB Productions Featured Griffs Army

  • Ciudades Desiertas (Deserted Cities)

    Ciudades Desiertas (Deserted Cities) (2012)
    Film by Arcadia Pictures Inc. Featured Bartender/Patron

  • Realm

    Realm (2012)
    Film (short) by WAFF/ Jeremy Torrie Hermit/Lead

  • All Children Matter

    All Children Matter (2012)
    Industrial by Just TV Predator

  • Crimestoppers Re-enactment

    Crimestoppers Re-enactment (2012)
    Commercial by Winnipeg Police Drug Deal

  • Faces in the Crowd

    Faces in the Crowd (2012)
    Film by Faces Mb Prod Inc. Photo Double Cigarillo Man

  • Lucky Christmas

    Lucky Christmas (2011)
    Television by Lucky Christmas Film INC Featured Passerby

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