Hi, Michael! Thank you for your connection, much appreciated. I hope life is treating you well, hope you had a good Christmas and New year?
Hello Michael. Glad to connect here on the stage! Just wrapped acting and producing "The Chair". Came on as an actor... ended up producing it.On to the next thing!! Got actor? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3400932/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_2...
Expand postHello Michael. Glad to connect here on the stage! Just wrapped acting and producing "The Chair". Came on as an actor... ended up producing it.On to the next thing!! Got actor? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3400932/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_2
Great reel, MIchael! If you're seeking a short to shoot, come check out the short scripts on my profile.
I know this is long over do but I just wanted to say... Thanks for the connection, Hopefully one day we will work together. http://nicholas-patrick.com
Thanks for connecting Michael. www.yorgospanagiotopoulos.com
Thank you for the connection Michael! Would love the opportunity to work with you sometime!
Hi! I am a classicaly trained, professional film composer and sound designer .Able to create good modern soundtrack Able to work very fast Website: www.alexander-music.com
Thanks for connecting.. Be sure to check out www.chefginas.com for Realistic food props of all sizes. If we can be of help please call or email!
Hi Michael, Thank you for including me in your network :)
No, really... I'm guessing most of you here work either on the periphery of the industry or outside film-making and writing altogether - and sadly work (and family) takes a lot of time. So how do you/where do you make the time for your own very special projects? I ask this because I find myself havi...
Expand postNo, really... I'm guessing most of you here work either on the periphery of the industry or outside film-making and writing altogether - and sadly work (and family) takes a lot of time. So how do you/where do you make the time for your own very special projects? I ask this because I find myself having to get up early before my daily grind starts and grab the odd half hour/hour when the wife is still in bed or away. Any thoughts, any solutions that work for you... Oh, and if anyone is interested do check out my novella available on Smashwords - Blame it on the camels: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/144532 But how/where do you make the time to write and create? Interested in your thoughts and ideas. Peter
Have something important and novel to say and the time will find you. Writing just to write is bullshit and horse-pucky. Although, Walter Scott, to keep his farm and family together, awoke before the...
Expand commentHave something important and novel to say and the time will find you. Writing just to write is bullshit and horse-pucky. Although, Walter Scott, to keep his farm and family together, awoke before the crow of the cock and wrote furiously as the bill collectors banged on his castle door... and he was also a damned good poet. The key to writing is writing poetry, for without a lyrical sense your up shit creek with out a metaphor. One must love to write, to write about love and life.
This is how it works for me: Idea→logline→back to work, life, etc→finally sit down and write brain dump outline with beginning, middle, end→back to work, life, etc→finally start writing painful 1st dr...
Expand commentThis is how it works for me: Idea→logline→back to work, life, etc→finally sit down and write brain dump outline with beginning, middle, end→back to work, life, etc→finally start writing painful 1st draft→rethink story→ SPARK→Writing no longer painful I can now "see it"→The writing FLOWS!!! →complete 1st draft→rewrite→rewrite→rewrite→rewrite→rewrite...
For me as an actor, it's work (in my business) all day (checking on Stage 32 during breaks/lunch, rehearse/perform nightly and weekends/holidays. Maybe one day, acting will be my full time profession. In the meantime, I work to pay the bills, act to feed the soul (and build experience).
Hello Michael thanks for connecting
C. Stephen Foster: short, funny, 100% unique: www.youtube.com/cstephenfoster
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