Bianca Y. Michaels's Reel

The Late Fight Show Promo Video :)

My Intro to the one and only Late Fight Show :) with Bianca Y. Michaels. Where we discuss and laugh about the irony of going through a Climate Crisis :)

(Japanese TV Show on Zero Waste - 5 years old) Zero…

ゴミが出ない家庭って有り得ないと思います?ゴミがいっさい出ない買い物の仕方を紹介します。ゴミゼロ・プラゼロ:Zero Wayの生活は難しくなく、結構楽しいです。

The Zero Way | How to be a Superhero | Speech | October 2019

A speech I re-read after I spoke it at a closed conference. The Zero Way is a way of life, applicable to all areas of human activity. It is a holistic approach to solving our global climate crisis! It's an umbrella co...

$1M For The Planet

That time when I thought of doing something fun for 2.22.2022: gather 1 million dollars to fund 10 startups: This video explains my vision and mission for the fund! Help us make the world a better place!

The Late Fight Show Test :)

It was a fun thing I did on my winter holiday :) Wish there was such a "Late Fight Show" somewhere in the world!

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