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By Shiva Safari

GENRE: Comedy

When Maya, a scattered flower shop owner, and her nemesis Adam, a neurotic building inspector, die in a freak accident, the Angel of Death pits them against each other for a spot in heaven on the ultimate battleground: His Body.


A storm brews over Fatima's Flower Shop -literally- a small family run store that's seen better days. Maya (think Mindy Kaling) is in over her head and has let the building fall into disrepair. Enter Adam (think Seth Rogen), the perfect asshole. After years of badgering, he comes bearing an ultimatum: fix the building hazards or lose the store. Mid faceoff a drop falls from the ceiling prompting Adam to rush to the roof. The pair are in a shouting match, standing in a pool of water, when his umbrella gets struck by lightning and zaps them into eternal silence.

A shell shocked Maya and Adam sit opposite one another in a fluorescent lit 90's style waiting room. A jaded paper pusher, the archangel Gabrial, calls their (newly apparated) numbers. Turns out they're at the gates of Heaven, and a painfully slow fax machine decrees their fate. Adam is headed for Hell but his time isn't up, while Maya is set for purgatory, effective immediately. PING. An elevator arrives to escort a smug Adam back to Life. A triggered Maya jumps him just before the doors close.

Back on earth, BOTH of their souls now inhabit Adam's body. Gabrial comes for them but instead of righting the wrong, they are bemused by the challenge and offers the pair a deal. Whichever soul does the most good, will earn a spot in Heaven. Maya and Adam must now engage in a Battle Royal of righteousness with Gabrial playing referee.

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