It's the story of a former film student and film-club animator who discovers screenwriting during a lecture by film industry's most famous guru, who must overcome his sudden obsession with pitch to finally share his life long passion for History and definitive one liners...
TOTALICRACY Thriller ⋄ Sci-fi 2071. The intertwined fates of several characters surrounding an incorruptible cop, dedicated to the despotic regime running Europe for 25 years, who unveils his daughter’s involvement in the uprising he is tracking, and gets parted between his convictions and her rebellion.
HER MAJESTY’S YOUNG CORPSES INSTITUTION Horror ⋄ Comedy A tyrannical under-aged drug dealer awakes a supernatural curse by escaping the Young Offenders Institution he’s just been assigned to, forcing his influenceable sidekick to finally confront him.
THE VOLTAIRE SECRET Historical ⋄ Thriller France, present day. To clear himself from charges of theft, a night watchman enters a deadly treasure hunt and needs to immerse himself into History from which he feels excluded.
STRINGERS 2.0 Comedy ⋄ Adventure When a former Tv reporter teams up with her romantic rival on a corruption story, she needs to choose between professional deontology and personal revenge.