Is there anyone on Stage 32 that actually assists in film financing? It seems that the more I look at people with "Financier" as a profession, and subsequently go to the website offered on their profile, they are selling something to teach you how to raise funds. I am a producer, new to the show, an...
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Andrew you raise an excellent set of questions and I hope someone can give some straight up answers. I am curious about the same thing myself.
Doctors and Dentists love to invest money into film making. A lot of them are just super interested in it. If you have a pretty well locked script that you feel is ready to be pitched then I would go...
Expand commentDoctors and Dentists love to invest money into film making. A lot of them are just super interested in it. If you have a pretty well locked script that you feel is ready to be pitched then I would go to the Dr.'s, Dentists, and even Lawyers and see if they are interested or know someone who is interested. Also if you have any nurse friends, Dr.'s are pretty close to their nurses. Anywho, worth a shot.
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My man. Let's get some backstory. You say, this is your first project, and 99.999% of all first projects are nowhere close to the level of storycraft necessary to go pro. How do you know your story is ready?
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It isn't. I'm still developing and reworking ideas. I've written a lot of things down, and I'll be starting my outline soon. This post is more preparatory than anything. I am the kind of guy that like...
Expand commentIt isn't. I'm still developing and reworking ideas. I've written a lot of things down, and I'll be starting my outline soon. This post is more preparatory than anything. I am the kind of guy that likes to have everything planned out from the very beginning. Even if it is at the conception of the initial idea.
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If that's the case, I suggest you write something you can shoot yourself with a team in your area. That's what we're doing in Denver: writing a short with the talent we have here. Teamwork makes the dream work, my friend. Happy Leap Day!