Commercial for local flooring company in Franklin NC
Short video created to showcase a nice home located in near Highlands NC.
A girl is terrorized by someone she accidentally killed. Filming - 2.5 Days - Budget $15 - Editing / Special FX - 25HRS Produced for the Andrews High School
A girl is terrorized by someone she accidentally killed. Filming - 2.5 Days - Budget $15 - Editing / Special FX - 25HRS Produced for the Andrews High School
Animated Cartoon of a Baby Chick Exploding created in Cinema 4D
Sample from various weddings I have filmed over the past few years.
The first challenge of the 2012 Highlands N.C. King of the Mountain Chef Challenge.
This is a intro title featuring the Eagle Scout badge which I created in Cinema 4D.
This is a very short sample of some of the training videos I've created for the Armis Board Game. This was created mainly in Cinema 4D with a few additions from After Effects.