Payne Patchett

Payne Patchett


Lake Stevens, Washington

Member Since:
May 2022
Last online:
1 week ago
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About Payne

I'm a 23 y.o. aspiring screenwriter from Seattle, WA, and have a desire for storytelling.



  • Weight of the World

    Weight of the World Budget: $5M - $10M | Sci-fi Drama A disturbing secret is revealed when a heedless college student jumps through time in order to find clues behind the sudden death of her childhood friend.

  • Three Days of Happiness

    Three Days of Happiness Budget: $100K - $1M | Romance Fantasy A twenty-year-old must learn how to spend the next three months of his life after selling his last thirty years at a shop that exchanges lifespan for cash. Based on the novel by Sugaru Miaki.

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