Boston University

Boston University

Boston University

Boston University is a college located in Boston, Massachusetts.

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At least 193 Stage 32 members have attended Boston University:
Sydney Ortman

Sydney Ortman

Actor and Screenwriter from Charlotte, North Carolina
Fredric Sinclair

Fredric Sinclair

Playwright and Screenwriter from New Haven, Connecticut
Sophia Castuera

Sophia Castuera

Actor, Director and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Warren Eig

Warren Eig

Screenwriter, Director and Editor from Los Angeles, California
Allie Rivera Quiñonez

Allie Rivera Quiñonez

Actor, Director and Line Producer from Los Angeles, California
Brian Engles

Brian Engles

Screenwriter from Brooklyn, New York
Randy Veraguas

Randy Veraguas

Actor, Host/Presenter and Performance Coach from Boston, Massachusetts
Matthew Baram

Matthew Baram

Actor, Screenwriter and Songwriter from Los Angeles, California
DeWitt Patterson

DeWitt Patterson

Editor from Saint Petersburg, Florida
Francisco Ricardo

Francisco Ricardo

Director and Producer from Burbank, California
Oswald Williams

Oswald Williams

Cinematographer, Editor and Filmmaker from New York City, New York
Teresa Vilaseca

Teresa Vilaseca

Director, Producer and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
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