New York Film Academy

New York Film Academy

New York Film Academy

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At least 547 Stage 32 members have attended New York Film Academy:
Albert van der Meer

Albert van der Meer

Cinematographer, Colorist and Crew from London, United Kingdom
Alexandria Mariah

Alexandria Mariah

Actor and Voice Artist from New York City, New York
Scott Ennis

Scott Ennis

Director, Editor and Producer from Stamford, Connecticut
Alexander Kargaltsev

Alexander Kargaltsev

Cinematographer, Director and Editor from New York City, New York
João Paulo Garcia

João Paulo Garcia

Art Director, Camera Operator and Cinematographer from London, England
Douglas Barbosa

Douglas Barbosa

Cinematographer from São Paulo, Brazil
Svend Colding

Svend Colding

From Copenhagen, Denmark
Brianna Flores

Brianna Flores

Actor, Concept Artist and Crew from Burbank, California
Marianna Emma Jans

Marianna Emma Jans

Actor from Melbourne, Australia
Lauren Chengan

Lauren Chengan

Peter Josiah

Peter Josiah

Cinematographer from Carlsbad, California
Brad Rego

Brad Rego

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Director from Brooklyn, New York
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