Harvard College

Harvard College

Harvard College

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At least 37 Stage 32 members have attended Harvard College:
L. Andrew Cooper

L. Andrew Cooper

Screenwriter and Author from North Hollywood, Los Angeles County, California
Michael Jay

Michael Jay

Author from Boise, Idaho
Val Chernyavskiy

Val Chernyavskiy

Screenwriter from Warsaw, Poland
Jim Smiles

Jim Smiles

Actor, Assistant Production Office Coordinator and Best Boy Electric from Brooklyn, New York
Keyanna Wigglesworth

Keyanna Wigglesworth

From Los Angeles, California
Robin Russin

Robin Russin

Director, Screenwriter and Script Consultant from Los Angeles, California
Douglas Booth

Douglas Booth

Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Sam Winter

Sam Winter

Director, Filmmaker and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Bryan Van Gorder

Bryan Van Gorder

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Kyle Gilman

Kyle Gilman

Editor from New York, NY, USA
C C Bdesecond

C C Bdesecond

Director, Sound Designer and Producer from New York City, New York
Robert Cain

Robert Cain

Financier and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
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