San Francisco State University

San Francisco State University

San Francisco State University

San Francisco State University is a college located in San Francisco, California.

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At least 168 Stage 32 members have attended San Francisco State University:
Arnold Tolentino

Arnold Tolentino

Actor, Crafty and Dancer from San Francisco, California
Jason Daks

Jason Daks

Producer, Filmmaker and Line Producer from Los Angeles, California
Frank DiMarco

Frank DiMarco

Actor, Voice Artist and Other from Portland, Oregon
Randy Mills

Randy Mills

Motion Graphic Design and Producer from Orange, California
Keith Gruchala

Keith Gruchala

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Director of Photography from New Orleans, Louisiana
beth custer

beth custer

Music Composer and Voice Artist from San Francisco
Amber Zuckswert

Amber Zuckswert

Actor and Dancer from San Francisco, California
Michelantony Dunston

Michelantony Dunston

Filmmaker, Director of Photography and Screenwriter from Berkeley, California
Evan Kaminsky

Evan Kaminsky

Actor, Makeup Artist and Voice Artist from San Francisco, California
Ally Williams

Ally Williams

Host/Presenter from San Jose, California
Steve Weintz

Steve Weintz

Author, Screenwriter and Voice Artist from Seattle, Washington
Dina Boyer

Dina Boyer

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Director from San Francisco, California
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