SUNY at Geneseo

SUNY at Geneseo

SUNY at Geneseo

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At least 7 Stage 32 members have attended SUNY at Geneseo:
Mike Boas

Mike Boas

Animator, Editor and Screenwriter from Rochester, New York
Jeanne B. Moore

Jeanne B. Moore

Art Department Coordinator, Art Director and Production Designer from New York City, New York
Sandy Garfunkel

Sandy Garfunkel

Director and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Ramsey Ess

Ramsey Ess

Screenwriter from Brooklyn, New York
Jeff Zampino

Jeff Zampino

Screenwriter from Las Vegas, Nevada
Jon E Strange

Jon E Strange

Actor from Fair Lawn, New Jersey
Danny Fischer

Danny Fischer

Actor, Screenwriter and Underwater Cinematographer from Rincón, Puerto Rico
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