Ramsey Ess is a writer and comedian living in Brooklyn, NY. He is a freelance writer for Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update.”
Ramsey also has written for the UCB Maude Teams “Gorilla Gorilla,” and “Neighbor Boy,” and has written for UCB sketch shows such as Celebrity Funeral: Jennifer Aniston and was a writer/performer for School Project, Celebrity Funeral: Nicholas Cage and The NY Academy of Talent: Showcase for Industry (& Parents!).
Ramsey also produces a podcast with his friend Adam Maid called “Wonderful, Thanks,” which hosts many of the next generation of NY comedy. His series of articles about rare television shows called “From the Archives” is published each week on Splitsider.
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY at Geneseo
SUNY Genesee Community College
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