The Stage 32 Videos: Acting

IsaiahDeshaunHarezzen-drunkman audition 2.mp4

Audition tape for a music video as a Drunken man.

Actor Care Fundamentals - online workshop

Actor Care® Fundamentals provides a model for delving deeper into a characters' emotional narrative that prioritises actor mental well-being. It has helped actors around the world give braver, layered and more authentic performances. STARTS JAN. 30, 2024

Lillee Jean Acts In American Hustle Dramatic Comedic Scene CLIP |…

Lillee Jean wows in a recent scene performance inspired by the acclaimed black comedy crime film, American Hustle. Lillee takes on the role of Rosalyn Rosenfeld and plays the unstable, short-fused, and unpredictable wife of Irving Rosenfeld. The scene takes the audience to the kitchen, where the last thing Rosalyn wants to hear about is microwaves and Carmine.

Free Improv Class SD Acting Studio #Actor #SeanDillingham…

SD Acting Studio #Arizona #Acting #Class #SD #Acting #Studio


11 very different characters - in a minute and a half!

'Sexpectations'-The Chase (Comedy)

Juxtaposing his tightly-wound twin sister, Jeremy Lawrence glides back into town with so much confidence and care-free, Colorado wisdom he's making everyone rethink how to meet a potential mate [Episode 103].

'Purple Case' (Dramedy)

A small-time weed dealer decides to go straight and aim for higher aspirations, except a strange suitcase shows up to change all that [Pilot Episode 101].

'Poets' (Dramedy)

A rowdy, Jeff Spicoli-type tries to bully his way through a school group project with jokes, sarcasm, and misunderstood passion.

'Sexpectations'-Chaste Hunting (Comedy)

Jeremy Lawrence takes a break from shredding powder to celebrate a birthday with his twin sister, while unknowingly shredding his childhood crush's heart in the friend-zone [Episode 103].

'Antidote' (Drama/Horror)

A bitter spirit imprisoned in Hell, Nico begrudgingly forgives his former lover for sending him there.

'Re-Artists' (Musical Drama)

A tragic pianist erases painful memories from his clients with an opiate of melody, until his own past walks into the studio to haunt him.

'Only This' (War Drama)

One soldier, among many, flying through the night with uncertain fate weighing on them all. Every soul sits in the hands of chance, where heartbreak pales in comparison to the stakes before them.
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