The Stage 32 Videos: Commercial

Hastings Car Show - September 18th, 2022 Commercial

Start your engines and show them off one last time! The final car show of the year will be tomorrow from 11am to 4pm in downtown Hastings! Commercial I filmed and edited for Hastings Community TV...#HistoricHastings #HCTV #HastingsCarShow #Commercials

Rivertown Days 2022 Montage

Here is a montage I created of this year's Rivertown Days event in Hastings, Minnesota for Hastings Community TV. #RivertownDays #RivertownDays2022 #TheImaginativeHobbyist

Historic Hastings Car Show - July 17, 2022

This Sunday is the next Historic Hastings Car Show, during the remaining hours of Rivertown Days, from 11am to 4pm. Here is a commercial I filmed and edited for Hastings Community TV. #RivertownDays #HistoricHastingsCarShow #HCTV

Historic Hastings Car Show - June 19, 2022 Commercial

Commercial I made for the car show in Hastings, Minnesota for Hastings Community TV, enjoy! #HistoricHastings #CarShow #HCTV

Rivertown Days 2021

Here is a montage of footage I filmed at last year's Rivertown Days in Hastings, Minnesota for Hastings Community TV, filmed with Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus and Nikon DSLR.

Rivertown Days 2021 Promotional Video

This was a promotional video I pieced together for Hastings Community TV from old footage I had captured in 2019 for this year's Rivertown Days in Hastings, Minnesota.

Hastings Car Show - June 20th Commercial (HCTV)

The Historic Hastings Car Show is back, today in June the event takes place downtown from 11am to 4pm. I had a great time filming and editing together this advertisement for the event. #HCTV #HistoricHastingsCarShow #CarShowsAreBack (2021)


We at Hastings Community TV are real happy to be finally broadcasting in HD! Had a great time directing this promotional video and editing it together in Final Cut Pro, big thank you HCTV's 'Take A Hike, Mike!' himself Mike Bremer and David Warg for being part of this adventure. (2019)

HCTV Presents 'SIP AND SIT' - Teaser Trailer

We are excited to bring Hastings a new series, Sip and Sit. What are the issues facing our community? More importantly, what are the solutions? Well Sip.. and Sit. Actually...Sip and Sit will just be sitting here. Happy April Fools from all of us at Hastings Community Television! Me and Tom Wright had a lot of fun making this earlier, photographed, directed + edited by me. (2019)

The Little Thief

Getting too wrapped up in the big game can have its drawbacks...

Rivertown Days '15 Promo

This is a promo I Directed and Edited for Rivertown Days, a weekend event in Hastings, MN. for Hastings Community Television. Edited w. Final Cut Pro. Filmed with Sony and Nikon cameras.

Historic Hastings Car Show Promo

This is a promo I directed and edited for the yearly Historic Hastings Car Show, produced for Hastings Community Television. Edited with Final Cut Pro x.
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