The Stage 32 Videos: Cursing

"Filmming Myself" || The Joys of Me Making My Social Media Content

After a long day and or week of composing, the last thing I want to do is to switch gears from music making to video content making. I have to plan out what I want to say. Then I have to write the general script, set up the equipment, create graphics, and ultimately edit the final videos. One of the biggest issues with filming during the day was with noise pollution from outside the house as I live right by a busy street intersection. THis was a huge source of frustration while filming (as you will see in the video). I have since changed to shooting late at night despite being mentally and physically exhausted by that time. The following montage features highlights of my screwing up repeatedly while filming my YouTube Channel Trailer video. Watch and laugh at how frustrated I get with the interruptions from the noise from cars outside. Be warned, I curse a lot...I mean A LOT. Lol. I do not have a social media team who can do this for me. If I could afford it, I would certainly pay others to do this for me.
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