DANIEL LATTEO Filmmaker Showreel N.2 (English Sub)
A collection of works which I have created, shot and directed through the course of my career, especially in the field of miniatures and scale models and in the genre of fighting, combat and martial arts. Enjoy!
Cast for The Backyard Fighting Tourneament:
Marco Giovanni Albrigoni as Mark the Wrestler
Fabio Perlangeli as Pepe the Pankration fighter
William Gaspari as Willy the Tae Kwon Do fighter
Leonardo Cartocci as Leo the Dutchman
Gazment Halimi as Gaz the Kickboxer
Igor Vagnoni as Joe the Mexican
Cast for The docu-series Total fighting & Self-defense:
Fabio Ganna -Total Fighting School head instructor-
Fabrizio Capucci -Reality Based Personal Protection Italy-
Giacomo Rattini -streetfighter-
Cast for The docu-series Martial Arts:
Ninjutsu Futaiten Dojo -Sensei Luigi Durante- Scuola Tae kwon do Genova -
Mr. Pietro Fugazza- Matteo Olivieri as Viet Vo Dao fighter
Francesco "Frens" Basile as The Boxer