Across the globe, millions of people celebrate their birthdays each and every day of the year. This song is dedicated to anyone and everyone celebrating a birthday!
Stephen Beitler performing Tony Tanner's "I Know She's Beautiful" from "Something of Silver" Tony's musical adaptation of Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice"
A Last Goodbye by Anton Zwijsen, for Piano and Ehru (Chinese Violin). This song was written in memoriam my grandmother Yvonne De Groodt (1928-2016). Visit ht...
Racers of Galveston Bay - Photos by Bill Tarnick of boat "Sunspot Baby" - Song "Rum Race" by Rafael Brom of boat "Selah" Racers of Galveston Bay - Rafael Brom
The Official Ghost Pepper Ballad. Something both fun and corny. Special thanks to Britta Hart for allowing to be cohearsed into wearing a pepper outfit in wh...