The Stage 32 Videos: Stolenbabies

Stolen Babies of Spain Trailer

Tells the story of babies (now adults) stolen between 1939-1992 in Spain and their search for truth, justice and reconciliation in a system determined to keep the truth dead and buried. This feature length documentary film is based in part on over 300 victim interviews and 4 years of research and combines intimate, personal interviews with live action footage of victim rallies in Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga and Sevilla , public protests, and behind-the-scenes coverage of victim strategy sessions, meetings and an inside the courtroom look at the notorious Dr. Vela trial (accused of stealing hundreds, even thousands of babies over decades) to provide the audience with a complete look at this horrific human rights violation and struggle. The filmmakers were also granted exclusive rights to film victim exhumations which revealed more lies and questions unanswered. The film also presents on-camera interviews with Spain's leading journalists, advocates, lawyers, historians, historical memory officials, elected political leaders, stolen baby association presidents, and of course, victims currently searching for their biological family-babies (now adults) and surviving mothers and fathers to tell the full, unfiltered story. This documentary also includes an exclusive interview with a current Member of the European Parliament who has investigated this issue in Spain on behalf of her committee as chairwoman. She shares her upcoming plans, hopes and frustrations moving forward from an international perspective on this issue. This documentary was filmed on location in Spain, USA and Puerto Rico.

Letters to the Pope Trailer 1.mp4

Letters to the Pope: One Man's Quest for the Truth is a documentary film which tells the true story of babies stolen and sold all from the same nursery in Valencia, Spain who then meet as adults and together form a "family" and a decades long search for the truth of their biological origins led by their "Patriarch" Enrique Vila Torres, a stolen baby himself and advocate for thousands of similar victims across Spain and worldwide. His search culminates with a pilgrimage to the Vatican to confront Pope Francis and get access to the hidden Church archives which holds the truth, once and for all.
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