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River of Ghosts Movie Trailer with Judy Cerda

Here is the movie trailer for "River of Ghosts" wherein I play the role of Macy O'Connor. This movie is currently playing on Apple TV, Spectrum, On Demand, Amazon Prime, Xfinity, Youtube Movies and several other tv channels.

The Ghost of Annie Lee Final Trailer

Here is the movie trailer for the movie "The Ghost of Annie Lee" wherein I play a lead role of Darby Lee, the ghost's niece. It's an action/sci fi feature film now showing on Stash Cinema TV.

The Decree

Here is a short film that is making the rounds in film festivals wherein I have the lead (sole) role of Queen Isolde, a dictator queen.


Created by Marina Albert (Azuria Films). Screenplay adapted into a 7 part graphic novel available through Amazon and Indyplanet.

Mix Up Edit of the things I've seen on my travels!

From Middlesbrough North East England to Sri Lanka these a re things I've seen!

Falmouth Cornwall International sea shanties festival 15th .6th…

#Falmouth_Cornwall_International_sea_shanties festival 15th .6th 2024 with #Short_Drag_Rodger_Shantiemen Part 3. #LOVE_SummerTime_TV_Magazine_Worldwide


We should've stayed quiet.... #shortfilm #scifi #thriller #horrorstories #lovecraftian #aliens #stopmotion #horrorstories #space Written, Edited, Animated, and Directed by Drew Hodson.


Oscar has 24 years of experience as an actor in his professional career. Your latest work on TV, "Brazilian Empire", is avaliable on Amazon Prime. Language: Portuguese English Subtitles Subtitulos en Español Other Scenes: Business Card:

Darkness Expedition.mp4


This music video is a trailer for the forthcoming music album of the same name, written and produced by Henry Chebaane, under the alias LX8. The title of the video refers to the eponymous debut graphic novel published in 2023 by Supanova Media, also produced by writer, set designer and director Henry Chebaane. The video was shot on location in King's Cross London and inside The Gyle boutique hotel (also designed by the author) which is the main plot location for his steampunk sci-fi mystery thriller. The track featured in the video is "Quantum Blue : instru-mental mix" also written and produced by the author. The video was written and shot as a short film teaser, introducing the creator of the story as a character inside his own fictional universe, which happens to exists also in our own reality. Here, the author-protagonist appears as a time-travel engineer who got lost into the dreamlike world of his own creation. The film ends with the discovery of a mysterious artefact, which is a key plot point in the graphic novel, thus closing one narrative loop and opening another one for future episodes. BUY GRAPHIC NOVEL HERE:
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