Stage 32 Job Board Page 9

Posted 4 months ago


Seeking actors in Hong Kong, Hong Kong

[新剧主角招募]寻找 35 岁以下的无代表表演人才 尊敬的表演艺术新星: UNboxing 演员管理公司目前正在为制作一部新剧集做准备,正在寻找 35 岁以下、外表出众、性格诙谐开朗的男女主角。我们特别欢迎尚未与任何人才经纪公司签约的独立演员加入我们的项目,并帮助制作一个引人入胜的系列。 角色要求:男主角:35岁以下,外表出众,性格幽默阳光。我们正在寻找一位能够通过表演展现角色多面性和深度的演员。 女主角:35岁以下,外表出众,性格幽默阳光。我们正在寻找一位能以真诚和魅力吸引观众的女演员。 我们提供什么:与业内顶尖人才合作的难得机会 专业制作团队的支持 公平的薪酬和良好的工作环境 一个展示和获得人才认可的平台 : 在我们的社交媒体频道上与我们保持联系,以获取更新和幕后内容: TikTok 频道:UNboxing TikTok - UNboxing TikTokYouTube 频道:UNboxing YouTube - UNboxing YouTube 申请流程:请准备一份个人简历,其中包括您的演艺经历和联系方式。 提供不超过一分钟的自我介绍视频,让我们一睹您的魅力。 附上作品集或过去的表演剪辑,以帮助我们了解您的演技。   :   请将以上材料发送至我们的官方邮箱,并在主题行注明“新剧主角申请”。   我们期待您的参与,共同创作令人难忘的作品。请与您认识的未代表演员分享这个机会,因为我们渴望与您一起踏上这段旅程。   UNboxing 演员管理团队

 Illyrian Chronicles:Rise of Kings
Posted 4 months ago

Illyrian Chronicles:Rise of Kings

Seeking producers in New York City, New York

Hey everyone! I’m currently offering my historical action/war series, Illyrian Chronicles: Rise of Kings, for sale. If you’re a filmmaker, producer, or media buyer interested in epic stories set in ancient times, feel free to reach out! Let’s connect to discuss for this project about of your interest and explore potential collaboration Message me here or via email at Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!” For sale

Screenplay Budgeting
Posted 4 months ago

Screenplay Budgeting

Seeking accounting clerks in Chicago, Illinois

I'm getting ready to pitch a screenplay for a movie.  I would like to have a budget ready for the pitch.  I'm looking for someone to produce a budget for the film off my screenplay.

FOR HIRE: Storyboard artist
Posted 4 months ago

FOR HIRE: Storyboard artist

Seeking storyboard artists in Remote, Oregon

I am a storyboard artist looking for projects to work in. If you need beatboards or storyboard sequences for your student project, screenplay, or pitch - check out my portfolio. https://karlyoungstories.wordp... I can work in different styles - from live action to cartoony animation.  Among the services I offer there are also animatics I put together from boards, as well as short animation sequences (5 seconds). 

Public Relations Lead
Posted 4 months ago

Public Relations Lead

Seeking pr / public relations professionals in Orlando, Florida

I'm producing a show that features a fun, family-friendly, sci-fi adventure. We have a full theatrical audio drama, books, and more. I'm looking for someone who could help promote the show and what we are doing with it. This is a traditional Public Relations / Publicist role. I'd like it to be a "for the duration" of the show, not just another next gig. So someone with experience who can help us succeed would be ideal. This is not an entry-level or marketing role. I have very limited funding for now. I'm working to change that. 

Writing for Animated Youtube Channels
Posted 4 months ago

Writing for Animated Youtube Channels

Seeking screenwriters in Remote, Oregon

Looking for creative writers to create fun and interesting short stories for a teen target audience.Each story will be around 2000 words and you can choose any topic that you believe is interesting for  teens and is within the guidelines.The story should be written from a teenager’s perspective, in first person narration and dialogues.We are looking for writers that are familiar with Anime, YA genre and short stories. (This is a remote position. Please DM me if you’re interested!)

Posted 4 months ago


Seeking financiers in Los Angeles, California

I need help to finance and develop my book into film. The book is called Object of Balance and would be an animation feature. Logline: Its about nine fairies that embark on a dangerous mission to find the object that was stolen from the wizards, for without the object their world becomes covered in storms.It is family oriented, has magic, love and friendship, and is action packed with many lessons to be learned.

Posted 4 months ago


Seeking cinematographers, directors, key grips and 3 more in Seattle, Washington

Three Episodes total! The show is based off of Stories told by Author Danny Falcone, who has 10 Novels Completed. This will be the first of two documentaries to be made. I already have an editor, I'm looking for crew in the areas of job postings below. Please email me at with your Name, resume, if you have reel and your phone number. Looking for people in Seattle, Washington. Episode 1: Introduction of Robin Power, singer, dancer, actress from Chicago who worked with Prince. Prince and Robin began a dalliance; and a mentoring of her musical/acting career. Episode 2: Introduction of Cynara Colbert, who was a friend of Robin’s from Chicago and a singer, who joined Robin in MN, by the urging of Prince to start a girl band. The secrets of life on the Paisley Park compound, the outrageous demands of Prince on his artists, the constant influx of women... Episode 3: Creating the Graffiti Bridge album, music videos, and film. Robin was a part of all 3 mediums of the Graffiti Bridge project. The fall- out between Prince and Robin, and the unfortunate decline of her life after Prince---which repeatedly happened to female artists who had fallen out of Prince’s good graces.  Thanks Producer Robert James Atton(618) 759 -

Posted 4 months ago


Seeking producers in Bonn, Germany

I am looking for producers for a short film shot on location in and around Bonn in Germany. The story is based on Shakespeare's play Macbeth set in the middle ages around 1000 A.D. with a battle scene at the end. Screenplay available upon request, the original Shakespeare dialogue is maintained, but the plot is shortened to fit into a short film format. Any sort of support in production is appreciated, such as funding, marketing etc. Now in pre-production, casting, location scouting is completed, camera and equipment is available. Please send a direct message with your ideas.

Posted 4 months ago


Seeking assistant directors, producers, production designers and 4 more in Milford, New Jersey, Flemington, New Jersey, Frenchtown, New Jersey and 1 more

Hi, I'm Tommy Luca. The film's Creator. This Short Film Script is 18 pages but the Short Film P.O.C. will be 20 minutes in length because I'm going to adlib two pages while filming, and those two minutes I'm going to give the cast and crew creative license as long as it's within the boundaries of the story, we can let loose and have a ball filling the shots in. The Short Film has a working title of LUNCH. It's a Fantasy Horror. First stage we'll perform in the Production Office before in Studio and On Set. What I need is a team that can manage the Crowdfunding Campaign to acquire the necessary capital of $175,000., more if we attract prominent Talent, to make the push into Preproduction on this Short Film P.O.C. The budget is that high because the film is effects heavy requiring Concept Design, Concept Set Models, Character Clay Maquettes, Storyboards, Atmospheric Special Effects, Pyrotechnic Special Effects, Walk-on Sets, Forced Perspective Foreground Miniature of a Creature Head for a shot, House Miniatures, Matte Paintings, Rotoscope work, Animation Effects, Mechanical Effects, Hair & Make-Up, Special Make-Up Effects, Radio Control Animatronic Characters, Rod Puppets, Props, Costumes, and much more. You will be on Payroll paid, after capital is acquired in escrow, also on contract in a Percentage Profit Sharing after the film is released by our Distribution Division at DreamFactory Studios.

Posted 4 months ago


Seeking actors, cinematographers, crew and 17 more in Stewartsville, New Jersey, Branchburg Park, New Jersey, Frenchtown, New Jersey and 2 more

Love the images you see? Good because that's the kind you are in for building and filming. A series of over a dozen fun comedic energetic and sometimes serious 1970s-1980s-1990s themed Television Commercial Spots and PSAs on Spec for brands and current events of today. For airing at local TV stations and on the DreamFactory Studios Distribution YouTube Channel. Paid in advance with small percentage and deferred rest on back-end with proviso that our Distribution Channel pulls in revenue from the Advertising or programs we produce and air or stream.

Animator wanted
Posted 5 months ago

Animator wanted

Seeking animators in New York City, New York and Union, New Jersey

I am piecing together my film and would love to have a section of it animated (5-6 minutes)!!! If interested in getting paid for set project please send links and/or portfolio to Would like to have animation completed by summer for editing reasons. You can also contact me through this site!!! Script is on Amazon as The Choice by Nathan Zen-Sapien but I’ll send you the script for free if hired!!! Let’s discuss rates and animation styles!!! Your location doesn’t matter as long as product can be delivered on time!!!!

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